Course details

Did you ever want to make awesome online presentations but never had a guide before? If yes, then this is the course for you. I will be teaching you how you can create awesome looking online presentations with reveal.js the easy way. I can guarantee that this is the best reveal.js tutorial which you could find over the web. This is a free framework in which you do less and see more results.

I recommend this course for people who like to create presentations and represent them online. This course is also recommended for website designers and developers, who like to learn new things related to web development and designing.

This course includes downloadable videos, so you can take them with you wherever you want! Project files are included for each video for helping the students if they get stuck anywhere. I will be always active to answer any queries.

Interested? Then please click the Take This Course button and join the course which can help you in many ways irrespective of your profession.

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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