CPP Practice Exam: C++ Certified Professional Programmer Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

C++ Certified Professional Programmer (CPP) is a professional certificate that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the more advanced C++ topics such as templates and the Standard Template Library.

A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the following concepts:

  • C++ template mechanism, reading and understanding definitions of template functions and classes;
  • Using property template classes and methods, including third party templates;
  • Creating template functions and classes; C++ STL library including the IO part;
  • Solving common programming problems with STL predefined classes and methods.

Practice and prepare for C++ Certified Professional Programmer Certification online with over 240 practice exam questions!

A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the C++ template mechanism, reading and understanding definitions of template functions and classes, using property template classes and methods including third party templates, creating template functions and classes, C++ STL library including the IO part, and solving common programming problems with STL predefined classes and methods.

How do I get C++ certified?

Prepare for your exam. You can sign up for C++ Institute's online courses to get prepared for the CPA, CPP and CLA certification exams delivered at Pearson VUE Test Centers. The courses are free of charge. Completing a given course will entitle you to a discount voucher on your exam.

How much does it cost to get C++ certified?

Full exam fee is $295, no voucher needed. The fee includes a free retake. Exam registration at pearsonvue. Open Enrollment, Self-study: Promotional exam fee for students who have completed our self-enroll CLA course is $147.50 (50% discount voucher).

Updated on 31 May, 2018
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