Course details
Business organizations are constantly engaged in financial decision-making related to financial planning, investments, capital purchases, etc. The right financial decisions play a critical role in maximizing an organization's business value. How do we value assets? What is a good investment? Does a project create value? Corporate finance will address these issues to help managers make value-enhancing decisions. This business and management course will introduce you to the role of corporate finance in an organization and the tools used to evaluate investment proposals. The course will cover commonly used tools and techniques that help managers make decisions that create value for their organizations such as time value of money, opportunity cost, net present value and internal rate of return. If you are interested in creating value for your organization, then this course is for you. Updated on 17 September, 2019- Warehouse Management Level 2 Courses Distance Learning Ltd.USD 50
USD 100Duration: Upto 15 Hours - Certified Inventory Manager VskillsUSD 47
USD 116Duration: 1 To 2 Months