Construction Claims & Dispute Resolution Management Society of Engineers
Price: JOD 289

    Course details

    Course Overview:
    Three days of specialized instruction on avoiding, recognizing, preparing, and resolving claims and disputes arising out of construction contracts. This course concentrates on all types and aspects of construction claims. The course objective is to help you avoid and resolve construction claims and disputes. It is an intensely practical program. The course begins by defining the claims and their types. It then concentrates on preparation of construction claims and describing the link between claims and the contract. You will explore nonjudicial routes to resolving disputes, beginning with negotiation and progressing through mediation and arbitration, with brief examinations of processes such as mini-trials, mediation and arbitration, and summary jury trials. Critical to the course's success is the recognition that, unlike general commercial disputes, construction controversies are special, requiring for their efficient disposition, a unique blend of legal knowledge, technical understanding, project management comprehension and experience.
    Program Content:
    Claims – What they are and why they occur
    • Definition of Claims
    • Overview of Construction Claims
    • Construction Claims Process
    *Claims Types
    • Claims Types – By Cause
    • Claims Types – By Entitlement
    *Claims and Contract Clauses
    • The basis of Contractual Claims
    • Contractual Claims Contract Clauses
    *Claims Preparation and Documentation
    *Claims Avoidance
    • Implement a “Claim Avoidance Program”
    • Design Phase
    • Procurement Phase
    • Construction Phase
    *Claims Settlement and Dispute Resolution (Alternative Dispute Resolution – ADR)
    • Contractual Stipulation
    • Sequence of Dispute Events
    • Advantages of ADR
    • Perceived Disadvantages of ADR
    • Types of ADR
    • Dispute Resolution Processes
    • Negotiation
    • Fact Finding
    • Adjudication
    • Conciliation
    • Arbitration
    *Contract Administration
    *Delay Analysis
    *The Essential Elements to a Successful Claim
    *Compilation and Presentation of Claims and Responses
    *Responses, Determination and Disputes
      Updated on 18 June, 2019

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