Complete Introduction to AWS Key Management Service ( KMS ) Udemy
Price: USD 25
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

KMS is a confusing topic for many learners of AWS. But not anymore! 

This course provides a complete hands on introduction to  AWS Key Management Service(KMS). 

We will cover topics like:

- Customer Master Key creation with Imported Key Materials

- Generating and using data keys

- Using CMK to import data

- Key Rototation

- Key Access controls 

- AWS Managed vs Customer Managed Keys

Why take this course?

1) KMS is integral to encryption of data on AWS

2) KMS is featured in AWS Exams. KMS is heavily featured in the AWS Security exam.

3) To get an good understanding of  KMS so you can identify the best solutions which KMS provides and fits your need.

5) You will get all the future updates we have on the course.

4) 30 day money- back guarantee. If you aren't satisfied, we will happily refund you.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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