Course details
Radiant Life and Meditation : New Paradigm Metaphysics : Creative Process and Meditation Cleanses : Guided Meditations with Theta Soundtracks: Ultimate Self Exploratory Techniques you will use For Life: Fast Guided Meditations to get you there fast: Radiant Meditation Techniques to Clear Your Aura, To Call Energies into your Life, New Meditation Practice for Our New Paradigm: Use as tools on Your Spiritual Journey: Techniques to release childhood pain: Techniques for Sensitive People, Empaths, Artists and Spiritual Expanded Peoples. Great for Men and Women. Adult Course. From 16 to 99 you will learn something from this course.
Join Shae in her Quest to get the WORLD to DO YOUR EGG.
Radiant Life and Meditation : Modern Meditation Techniques for a Modern World. I want the World to Do Their Egg!
What is your Egg? Your clear bright Radiating aura, which is everyone's natural state. Learn the Do Your Egg meditations and learn how to clear your energies and issues, free blockages from heart and free your creative spirit.
For everyone that wants to learn meditations and techniques that help in a real way. Great for beginners to advanced students of meditation. You can start with about 10 minutes a day or less, you can dive into this course and meditate more. You learn how to integrate your meditations into your life when you need them. Gorilla Style. You can do it all from your iphones, or download to home or office or your ipods.
All ages groups. Great for Mid Life Changes! Male and Women all like Radiant Mediation. DO YOUR EGG and connect to your Radiant Life!
This online, guided meditation course includes
" Video discussions on our spiritual and meditation path
" Questions for you to ponder in your Meditation Journal
" Downloadable Spoken Meditations by Shae
Learn to meditate with these guided meditations . Shae will lead you through this whole course with the included pre recorded video classes, written exercises and recorded audio meditations.
Be sure to complete all the quizzes. These will get you thinking but also let you know when you are ready to move on to the next step of learning to meditate!
Each Step clears and targets different energy points or chakras in the body. Here we can balance our energies, free those issues in our way of our clear aura.
" Step One is focusing on Ego, self-esteem, sexuality, power, issues and proper grounding with earth core.
" Step Two. Here we free the Heart and all its blockages, we free our higher heart and higher expression needed to move from living in the ego to living by your heart.
" Step Three this time focusing on our Higher Expression, freeing and connecting our intuitive abilities. We practice our higher self-connections, 4 D calling and more! Learn now how to create in your outer world and really begin to hear your higher self and your own messages. Understand and hear your intuitive voice. This one really frees our creativity too, and our higher spirit creativity!
'I have created Radiant Life and Meditation Tools to help us with not only our stress, but to learn how to free issues from our minds , body and spirit.
Many find their depression lifted, their hearts open, they are more balanced and easy about life and its turns. We can find ourselves more creative and expressive. More forgiving and loving. '
When creating this course, I also saw how busy everyone was and always on their iphones. I want to help our disconnection from the world but from our own inner peace, creativity and power. We can connect to our inner power to create our own Radiant Lives, ourselves, using these techniques and principles. It is up to us, this or any result requires SOME commitment. Just Start. You get what you put in. What you put in a day can be as little as 6 minutes though or you can really change your life, get committed and integrate meditation into your being.
This course is like a bridge getting us from where we are to where we know we need and want to go. This course can just help you find a little peace or a lot.
I created this online course and now you can access any time your need to all of the meditations, video lectures and written exercises. These can be done quickly or in depth. You will learn modern meditation techniques but also get basic understanding of your chakras and our issues relating to them too!
Radiant Meditation Series for beginners to advanced mediators. In Radiant Meditation we learn to radiant or free our energetic body. These are unique techniques where we work with the creative and intuitive connections. We free the power of our imagination, we do not try to quiet the mind but free it from its issues and chatter. The meditations take us through our chakras and their issues. You just move on when you are ready to move on to the next meditation or complete step.
" Learn about your energetic body, creativity and intuition.
" Learn how to ground properly with the earth and connect with your own spirit and path.
" Many have released depression, freed the mind from negative harmful thoughts and beliefs, they have ignited their hearts, passions and expression.
" Many have connected deeply with their creative spirit and expression, expanded their views and perceptions about life, their life and all life.
" Many have had spiritual and spirits experiences learned about their intuitive abilities, how to hear their inner voice or higher self, and how to communicate safely with our higher self and then other spirits and entities.
Disclaimer: This series of guided meditations are created from my own personal practice, experience with meditation and education in Metaphysics . Although I am not a health professional I have seen the benefits of these meditations in others and myself. Use at your own risk and discretion.
I am a Certified Meditation Teacher and Lightworker, currently finishing my Doctorate of Metaphysics Science. My thesis is Radiant Life and Meditation, this Course and Radiant Life Manual as well as my personal life's research of the creative intuitive connections. I have seen and lived my own great results but this is a self help course. Results are up to us. I am here as metaphysical and meditation teacher. If you need specific advice for mental health please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area.
It is advised that you use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or IE 9 or 10 while taking your courses as it may interfere with making a comment on your courses. Please send me an email if you can't comment. I am just an email away! Shae
Updated on 30 December, 2017 - Read Less