Course details

Enroll in the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM) Program for advanced, globally relevant, and practice-based investment performance and risk evaluation skills.

The CIPM designation will set you apart as a deeply knowledgeable investment performance professional committed to your clients' best interests and your firm's success.

What Can the CIPM Program Do for You?

Completing the CIPM Program will help you:

  • Deliver more actionable investment insights
  • Improve manager search and selection
  • Produce comprehensive and transparent reports
  • Increase risk awareness
  • Provide feedback to maximize your firm's efficiency

The CIPM curriculum is based on an advanced body of knowledge that is continuously reviewed and updated by more than 1,000 active investment practitioners around the world to ensure it reflects the relevant trends and core competencies needed by today's top investment employers.

The CIPM curriculum is based on an advanced body of knowledge that is continuously reviewed and updated by more than 1,000 active investment practitioners around the world to ensure it reflects the most relevant trends and the core competencies.

  • Approximately 70% of the curriculum and readings cover advanced performance evaluation (measurement, attribution, appraisal, manager selection).
  • Approximately 30% covers ethical and professional standards, including how to use the the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). 

The CIPM curriculum and exams reflect a practice analysis of current investment performance professionals who understand the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to succeed in the current financial climate.

The curriculum (including the LOS) is available in a digital format to access online and to download (an optional print version is available for purchase). You will have immediate access to your CIPM curriculum eBook once your exam registration payment has been processed.

Competency-Based Curriculum

Performance Evaluation (70%)

Performance Measurement

  • Select, calculate, and interpret the appropriate return/risk measures.
  • Communicate the return/risk measures.

Performance Attribution

  • Select an appropriate performance/risk attribution methodology.
  • Select valid benchmarks for use in a performance attribution analysis.
  • Prepare and critique a performance/risk attribution analysis for an equity or fixed-income manager.
  • Communicate the results of the performance/risk attribution analysis.

Performance Appraisal

  • Select an appropriate performance appraisal methodology to evaluate investment management skill.
  • Prepare and critique a performance appraisal analysis.
  • Recommend the continuance or dismissal of an investment manager based on assessment of investment skill.

Manager Selection

  • Formulate manager selection criteria for a fund or investment strategy.
  • Identify and critique the use of various style analysis methodologies.
  • Recommend the hiring of an investment manager(s) based on selection criteria.

Ethical and Professional Standards (30%)

Investment Performance and Reporting Standards

  • Explain the purposes of the GIPS Standards — in a manner which facilitates the understanding of their relevance to the investment presentation process.
  • Prepare performance reports based on the GIPS standards — in a manner that fulfills the claim of compliance with the Standards.
  • Prepare investment performance reports — in a manner that fulfills the need for evaluating investment performance.


  • Determine the professional standards of practice that apply to workplace activities and decisions with the purpose of ensuring that the investment professional and his/her firm act in the best interests of clients.
  • Recommend an ethical course of action when ethical issues arise in the investment performance workplace.
Updated on 19 June, 2016

About CFA institute

CFA Institute is a global community of more than 100,000 investment professionals working to build an investment industry where investors’ interests come first, financial markets function at their best, and economies grow. We believe this starts with training investment professionals to the highest educational and professional standards but we also know that it can only function at its best when all market participants are well informed.

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