Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Al Mihad Training Centre
Price: AED 10,000
Instructor led live virtual classroom online. Classes may be individual or in group.
  • Location: Sharjah
  • Duration: 6 months, 150 Hours with Revision
  • Timings: Weekend classes

Course details

CFA is considered as one of the most prestigious certification in actuarial studies with a focus on asset management and investment research. CFA qualification is designed to support multi-billion dollar investment industry in which CFA charter holders holds the reign of financial decisions. CFA program is well balanced with regard to knowledge and practice and provides excellent insight to students as to what is expected from them at their work. What makes CFA holders successful in their career is the rigor and comprehensives of the program.

What will i learn?
CFA qualification comprises of three levels. The curriculum's of all levels are discussed as under.

  • Ethical and Professional Standards
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Economics
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • Corporate Finance
  • Investment Tools
  • Fixed Income Investments
  • Derivatives
  • Alternative Investments
  • Asset Valuation
  • Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning

Target Audience:
1. Fresh Graduates
2. Working professionals of 

  • Finance Sector
  • Banking Sector
  • Investment sector
  • Insurance

How will I benefit from taking this course/what career paths will be open to me?
The Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) credential has become the most respected and recognized investment designation in the world; enrolling in the CFA Program is your first step toward earning this qualification.

The CFA Program curriculum covers concepts and skills you will use at all stages of your career, connecting academic theory with current industry practice and ethical and professional standards to provide a strong foundation of advanced investment analysis and real-world portfolio management skills.

How will I be assessed?

CFA Level I – Foundation
CFA level I focuses on basic and fundamental concepts. The course is spread over 10 topics with extensive knowledge of topics is tested. The examination is highly conceptual but content based and focus is more on learned knowledge as compared to other two levels where the application of concepts is sought. Students with sound accounting and finance back ground can conveniently cope up with most of the syllabus of Level I.

CFA Level II - Valuations
CFA level II comprises of same 10 topics of Level I but the expectation of examiner is now more on application then ordinary knowledge as expected in Level I. The primary focus of this level is on valuation of assets of various classes like Equity and Fixed income. The level has simultaneous focus on in depth knowledge of tools and techniques of Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting Analysis. CFA Level II can be considered as the most technical level due to depth of knowledge expected from the student.

CFA Level III - Application
CFA level III has a substantial focus over the portfolio management across various asset classes belongs to individual and a variety of institutions like insurance, brokerage, Pension funds, financial institutions etc. Level III some-what offers students real life situation and expects them to deal matters more professionally and with reflect better intellectual skills.

Testimonial of former student

  • By the Grace of God I have done my CFA Level 1. All credit goes to Al Mihad Training to provide such comprehensive classes. Keep it up Guys. (Muhammad Tuaha)
  • I would like to thanks my professor and the institution for making me clear my level 1 exam and providing me again such helpful classes for level 2 (Muhammad Fahad Khan)  

Updated on 20 May, 2020

About Al Mihad Training Centre

Al Mihad is a leading training company offering professional and corporate training in MENA for the last 17 years. Having its focus on financial training, AMT is rapidly growing in trainings areas related to Strategy & Innovation, Human Resource, Sales & Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management, Financial Modelling & Excel, customized banking programs and in-house trainings program related to CMA, CIA, CIMA, Diploma & Certificate in IFRS for corporate clients.

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