Certified Portfolio Manager Vskills
Price: USD 67
  • Duration: Upto 2 Weeks

Course details

The responsibility of a Portfolio manager is to run all or part of a portfolio, with the goal of maximizing return. A portfolio manager is primarily involved in taking decision on a wide range of financial assets - from corporate bonds to stocks to currencies. Portfolio Management as a career is considered one of the most desirable paths in the finance field and is one of the most exhilarating careers for a professional.

Why should one take this certification?

Vskills Certification in Portfolio Management is for those candidates looking for opportunities in this field. Vskills certification significantly improves the chances of getting the desired role and is an additional knowledge for the candidate. This certification can be taken by candidates looking for a new job opportunity or promotion or simply to assess their skills. The Certification helps in developing strong domain knowledge, focuses on details, inculcates deep investing and finance knowledge and helps develop requisite quantitative and legal skills.

Who will benefit from taking this certification?

Vskills Certification in Portfolio Management is for those candidates looking for opportunities in this field. Vskills certification significantly improves the chances of getting the desired role and is an additional knowledge for the candidate. This certification can be taken by candidates looking for a new job opportunity or promotion or simply to assess their skills. The Certification helps in developing strong domain knowledge, focuses on details, inculcates deep investing and finance knowledge and helps develop requisite quantitative and legal skills.


Introduction to Portfolio Management

  • Discussing the history and evolution of Portfolio Management
  • Illustrating the need for an investment policy and it's composition
  • Explaining the various SEBI regulations applicable for portfolio manager
  • Understanding the different types of risks in investment involved in portfolio management
  • Elucidating the portfolio management process and outlining the parties involved thereof

Investment policy

  • Understanding the types of portfolios applicable in portfolio management
  • Explaining the different types of investors for portfolio management and using various models like BB&K, Barnewall two-way model, etc.
  • Detailing the steps in client profiling
  • Rationalizing the process of setting goals and prioritization for portfolio managers
  • Describing the techniques of gathering data
  • Understanding the investment objectives and constraints

Capital market expectations

  • Illustrating the importance of forecasting of market environment in portfolio management
  • Describing the various macroeconomic variables of economy
  • Elucidating the various forecasting tools to be used

Asset allocation: policies & procedures

  • Understanding the need for portfolio diversification
  • Detailing the asset allocation process for portfolio manager
  • Explaining the different types of asset allocation for achieving client's goals
  • Understanding the various classes of assets and their characteristics for portfolio manager
  • Describing the various issues in expected long-term benchmark portfolio results

Capital market theory

  • Elucidating the markowitz model and it's efficient frontier to be used for optimal portfolios
  • Illustrating the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and it's elements with SML and CML for the riskiness of securities
  • Understanding the chaos theory as applied in portfolio management
  • Describing the arbitrage pricing model for a zero investment portfolio with a sure profit

Portfolio analysis

  • Detailing the various components of risk and return
  • Explaining the various measures of risk like central tendency, mean MAD, etc. for probable distribution of returns
  • Elucidating the systematic and unsystematic risk as applied to portfolio management
  • Understanding the beta of a portfolio for describing the relationship between the stock's return and the index returns

Portfolio revision

  • Explaining the importance of portfolio revision and it's constraints
  • Detailing the common faults for fair revision
  • Illustrating the different portfolio revision strategies and portfolio revision techniques

Measuring and evaluating portfolio performance

  • Elucidating the different measures of return as applied to a portfolio
  • Explaining the buying the index approach for evaluating the performance of a portfolio based only on the rate of return
  • Highlighting the performance evaluation of portfolio managers

Equity portfolio management

  • Understanding passive portfolio management and it's techniques for long term investment strategies
  • Describing the active portfolio management and it's different techniques
  • Elucidating the benchmark portfolios for different investment instrument like Sharpe, BARRA, etc.
  • Clarifying the usage of derivatives in equity-portfolio management

Fixed income portfolio management

  • Understanding the bond ratings by different agencies
  • Illustrating the techniques for active and passive fixed income portfolio management
  • Elucidating the barbelled and laddered strategies for short and long-term bonds

Updated on 31 January, 2019

About Vskills

Vskills is the largest certification body of India. We conducts skills testing and certification exam to improve employability. The certifications are quite popular and top companies hire Vskills certified professionals.

Companies have benefitted by hiring pre-certified candidates from Vskills and also use the certifications for their in house employee appraisals. Certification helps in distinguishing individuals to demonstrate their domain knowledge or skills needed for a specific profile. So a professional certification offers tangible benefits to both the individual and the employer.

Tests are conducted in a secure and unbiased manner, and certificates are awarded based on merit of the candidates who qualify tests.
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