Quality Academy Egypt Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt - LSSYB Quality Academy Egypt
Price: AED 764
  • Timings: Enquire

Course details

The IASSC Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (ICYB) is a professional who is versed in the basics of the Lean Six Sigma Methodology who supports improvement projects as a part of a team or conducts small projects on a part time basis.  A Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt possesses an understanding of the aspects within the phases of D-M-C.

Updated on 19 July, 2016

About Quality Academy Egypt

Headquartered in Alexandria, Egypt and founded in 2010, Quality Academy is one of the leading technical service organisations. Today, we are representing international accreditations and organizations around the world, partnering clients wherever they are in the world. United by the belief that technology should better people’s lives, we work alongside our customers to optimize their operations, enable them to access global markets and enhance their competitiveness.

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