Certificate in Business English Unitedworld International Academy
Price: AED 18,779

    Course details

    The course is to provide students a platform to acquire good foundation in the application of Business English Language within the business contexts. It aims to prepare students for a career in business or for those already in employment who want to enhance their English communication skills.  

    Who Will Benefit From The Course

    • This course is catered for students with minimal expertise and knowledge of the English Language, and are either at the being of their studies for English Language or preparing a career for businesss, as well as for those already in employment who want to reinforce and enhance their English communication skills at their workplace.

    Assessments and Examinations

    • The end of each Module, it assesses students' skill in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in English:

    Listening (A Reading ability at the equivalent level in English for Business is needed)

    The listening assessment may be conducted and completed with a single group of candidates, or a number of assessments my be carried out simultaneously but in different rooms.

    • The assessment is set in multiple-choice questions.
    • Each assessment at each level is based upon the same format.
    • Each assessment has two (2) parts with the second part pided into two sections.

    Speaking (Listening and Reading abilities at the equivalent level in English for Business are needed)

    • Each assessment level at each level is based upon the same format, which it commences with "break the ice" session, where the Assessor/Examiner asks the candidates some personal questions.
    •  The discussion topics are the same for all levels at every assessment, however, candidates at higher levels will be expected to engage in a deeper analysis and use a more extensive vocabulary.
    •  The Speaking Assessment may be recorded as part of the moderation evidence.

     Reading and Writing

     Each assessment has two (2) parts, where Part 1 consists of multiple-choice questions, and Part 2 consists of structure questions that assess the below:

    • Respond adequately to given stimulus information and instruction.
    • -Select appropriately from the information prodvided to produce a balanced, relevant message. 
    • Write business communication in a variety of forms, including: a memorandum, a notice, a report, a letter, an article, etc.

    Graduation Requirements

    • To successfully graduate, students are to complete satisfactorily all modules, with the exception of the exempted module(s).

     Progression Pathway

    • Unitedworld International Academy Certificate in Advanced Business English.
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Unitedworld International Academy

    With a global outlook and vision in mind, Unitedworld . has since created synergies with a list of established institutions in China and other parts of the world. Unitedworld is an international platform that enables students to have access to a whole range of courses offered by different institutions from all over the world. Such a strategic move is not only good for Unitedworld; students will be the ultimate winners to study in such a vibrant and enterprising community. It is my responsibility to deliver what I promise to ensure that quality education is synonymous with the reputation of Unitedworld. UIA's aim is to provide a conducive, supportive and engaging learning environment where learners develop to become capable and holistic leaders who are able to excel in their respective industries.

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