Certificate III in Hairdressing Boxhill Insitute
Price: AED 5,865
  • Duration: Upto 2 Years

Course details

This apprenticeship will prepare you for a successful career in hairdressing. You will learn the necessary skills, from how to maintain a clean, safe and efficient workplace to communicating effectively with those around you.

You will treat, cut, colour, style and treat hair while learning how to coordinate a salon team and sell various products and services. Your teachers will encourage and support you to participate in competitions and industry awards.

This class uses iPads as the main source for its resources as well as demonstration videos.

What employment opportunities will I have?

This course will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills required for gaining work in the hairdressing industry.


  • This course is government accredited and has national recognition

What further study options will I have?

  • You may wish to develop salon management skills by studying the Diploma of Salon Management.

How will I be assessed?

  • Practical assessment
  • Project work
  • Online assessment
  • Workplace assessment

Will my previous experience or study count?

Advanced Standing is approved recognition of prior learning that is displayed as an Exemption (EX) on the student’s academic record. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC) takes into account the knowledge and skills you’ve already gained through your previous education and work. This may be through formal or informal training, paid or unpaid work experience, and can earn you credit if relevant to your chosen course.

What will I study?

You will be required to complete 26 core and 6 elective units.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Boxhill Insitute

we_they is a leading Victorian vocational and higher education provider known for our collaborative and creative approach to education in Australia and overseas. we_they offers a wide variety of courses to both local and international students, from apprenticeships to degrees, short courses to diplomas, and in a range of delivery modes including full time, part time and off campus.

Our industry partnerships give students access to internationally recognised training and practical experience with current technology and processes. We connect our people with best practice and new environments through developing industry partnerships and national and international activity.

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