Course details

Students of this programme can have up to half of their fee costs paid by Laois County Enterprise Board.  Self-employed persons in County Laois are eligible.

Accreditation: Accounting Technicians Ireland.

Is this programme for you?
The Certificate for Accounting Technicians (First Year) offers a progression pathway into the Diploma for Accounting Technicians and will be completed on a full-time basis in Portarlington Adult Education Centre.  Once students successfully complete their subjects (listed below), they receive the Certificate for Accounting Technicians award.
There are four subjects to be studied on year 1:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Taxation
  • Law and Ethics
  • Business ManagementHow is the programme delivered?the Certificate for Accounting Technicians will be delivered on a full-time basis in Portarlington Adult Education Centre.  Subjects will be timetabled on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday’s fro 9am to 3.30pm with tutorials timetabled on Thursdays and on Friday mornings.All delivery methods require students to attend a number of weekend seminars at a venue assigned by Accounting Technicians Ireland.How is the programme assessed?Students sit examinations during the month of May but examinations cannot be taken locally.  The examination venue will be chosen by ATI.
  • ProgressionStudents can progress to the Diploma for Accounting Technicians.Graduates of this course may gain exemptions to the Bachelor of Business Studies part-time course accredited by the Institute of Public Administration.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Laois Third Level Centre

`Since 2001 Laois Third Level (LTL) has gained the reputation as a centre of excellence by providing quality third level undergraduate and postgraduate ctheirses to adults and continuing education students on a part-time basis in the wider Leinster region.
At LTL they are dedicated to supporting those students who make an investment in life-long learning by establishing and maintaining a working partnership bettheyen their students and their lecturers in the context of an environment of mutual support. In today’s economic climate, they understand the importance of achieving a work/life balance and by providing flexible educational programmes at their centre in Portarlington, they have succeeded in providing their students with the opportunity to embark on a ctheirse of study that will successfully combine both their work and family life obligations at a convenient local centre.
they hope that you will take the opportunity to enroll in one of the many excellent ctheirses that they provide at their centre, in conjunction with their education partners. Whether you choose to study for a certificate, a diploma, or a degree ctheirse, they are certain that you will find that the long-term personal and financial payback will far exceed the initial cost of the ctheirse investment.
Laois Third Level is a great place to further ytheir education, and over the coming theyeks I will be on hand to personally theylcome you to their Centre in Portarlington.
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