CELTA University of Cambridge TEFL International House Dublin
Price: AED 8,814

    Course details

    The University of Cambridge CELTA course is the most recognised initial English language teacher training course in the world and International House Dublin is the longest running CELTA centre in Dublin, with a track record of running successful full and part-time CELTA courses since 2006. Our course is also accredited by ACELS, the Accreditation and Certification of English Language Schools, the official organisation which regulates and inspects language and teacher training centres in Ireland.

    We have an established team of committed and experienced teacher trainers who understand the demands of the course and are ready to support and guide trainees in their journey to becoming qualified English language teachers. With a maximum of six trainees per tutor, as per Cambridge requirements, each trainee can be sure they will get the individual attention they need.

    Gaining a CELTA from International House Dublin has enabled our successful trainees to go on to find work opportunities around the world in English language teaching and even establish new long-term careers. We have been delighted to welcome some back as DELTA trainees, helping them to further progress in the field of English language teaching.

    Each CELTA course run at IH Dublin is externally moderated by a University of Cambridge ESOL Assessor. This guarantees a constant high standard and consistency of course content, trainers and facilities.

    The CELTA course is aimed at a range of candidates including:

    • candidates who are entirely new to teaching
    • candidates who have taught languages but with little or no previous training
    • candidates who have taught other subjects and wish to take up language teaching
    • candidates who have received previous training in language teaching but feel the need for a refresher course, for a more practical qualification or for a more internationally recognised qualification.
    Updated on 26 April, 2018

    About International House Dublin

    We_They is a member of the International House World Organisation founded in 1953. We are accredited by the Irish Department of Education and Science as a school for the teaching of English as a foreign language, and are inspected by both ACELS (the Advisory Council for English Language Schools) and International House World.

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