CE08 Level 5 Engineering Technology Monaghan Inst of FE & Training
Price: TBA

    Course details


    This course will equip learners with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of mechanical engineering, which is essential for anyone wishing to pursue a career in engineering. This course also provides students with an opportunity to study QQI Level 5 Mathematics which is required for entry into Engineering courses at third level.

    Entry Requirements

    Leaving Certificate with 5 passes (preferably to include Mathematics, Engineering or another technical subject) or Leaving Certificate Applied or equivalent. For mature students these requirements need not apply and applications may be considered based on a proven interest in Engineering. Entry may be subject to interview.

    Course Content

    • Engineering Workshop Processes
    • Engineering Workshop Theory
    • Building Construction
    • Engineering Drawing
    • Mathematics
    • Safety & Health at Work
    • Communications
    • Work Experience
    • Word Processing


    Safepass Training


    5M2061 QQI Level 5 Engineering Technology

    Course Structure

    The course offers practical skills in machining and bench fitting, along with the theoretical knowledge of machining processes and building construction. These skills would form the basis of any course in engineering which learners might later pursue at a third level institution or on an apprenticeship. A minimum of 10 days’ work placement must be completed. Practical workshop sessions form an integral part of the course.

    Career Options | Progression

    There are many different courses on offer in third level institutes for holders of a QQI Level 5 Engineering Technology Certificate. Engineering is a very diverse field of work, there are many areas you can specialise in. It is worthwhile researching the different engineering disciplines to see which one you are most interested in. You will also have a firm foundation in the skills required for employment in the Engineering/ Construction sector.


    You will be assessed on the basis of:

    • Assignments/Project Work
    • Practical Skills Tests
    • Written Examinations
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Monaghan Inst of FE & Training

    There are many routes to a job and career success. Increasingly, further education and training are required. Universities or Institutes of Technology don't suit the needs of all - for some 34,000 Leaving Certificate and mature students, a place on a pLC Course is the preferred option. Courses are open to a wide range of participants including school leavers, adults and second chance learners, social welfare recipients, graduates wishing to re-skill etc

    Monaghan Institute offers a wide range of further education and training (FET) courses. Each course is specifically designed for employment - the balance between theoretical and practical study is decided with the job-market firmly in mind. Close links with local employers and the community ensure that the focus of FET course provision is reflective of local needs and current/future skills shortages.  The work experience you complete as part of your training keeps both you and staff attuned to the realities of modern business/industry/commerce.

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