Course details

Career development is a competitive strategy for many organizations. Employees stay longer at organizations that take an interest in developing employee skills and interests. This course provides employees with an opportunity to identify the values, skills, and interests most likely to increase job satisfaction and productivity. Participants will gather information to build strategies to increase their alignment to self, the job, and the organization.

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About Almajd Industry

AITE is committed to provide HSE Trainings & Consultancy Services in the region for the past 10 years, Our dedication and commitment towards achievement of Health, Safety and Environmental objectives in the region derive us to further join hands with world famous HSE Institutions to bring Safety Culture in the Region. Providing internationally accredited quality trainings to develop competent Human Resource for the industry is our motive. We believe in providing best possible solutions to the industry by offering

  • Cost Effective Training & Consultancy Solutions.
  • Tailor Made Solutions as per client’s requirements.
  • Flexible Solutions to suite client’s needs.
  • Completely new approach to HSE Trainings.
  • Providing world recognized and respected international qualifications.
  • Comprehensive range of Health & Safety Courses.
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