Course details
You may want to create a cake for a birthday party, an anniversary, agraduation, or other special occasion, or maybe you would like to acquire theskills on which to build a new business. I have trained beginner andprofessional cake decorators alike for many years . . . my online cake decoratingclassesis in easy step-by-step segments.
It doesn't matter if youre new to cake decorating or have beenstruggling with cake decorating for longer than youd like to admit . . . notto worry!
My CakeDecorating course will help you to create a work of art on a buttercream canvas that willastonish your family and friends. Your cakes will be quite the talk, and youmay soon be the official cake decorator of choice for all who have seen yourdelicious and colorful creations.
I will teach you the basic skills needed to do any cake from your ownkitchen. Dont pay those expensive bakery prices when you can create your ownbeautiful centerpieces at home. Bakeriesmust incorporate all their overhead costs in creating their decorated cakes andpass those costs on to you. Cut out those extra costs, and let this course saveyou money and at the same time SIMPLIFY cake decorating . . . a more rewardingway to spend your time . . . and have fun doing it . . . let's play!
In this cake decorating course, you will learn how to get started . . . the equipment you will need, where to buyspecial decorating tools and supplies and how to prepare the cakes that you willbe decorating.
I will be your instructor. I have developed step-by-step lessons thatwill have you quickly decorating like a pro with minimum time and expense.
I am a National Award Winning, third generation, baker with over 30years of decorating experience and has trained scores of professionals in thecake decorating industry.
My motto is "Simplify." My methods of instruction make it very easy to learn, and my warm,friendly style makes even the most challenging tasks fun and easy.
This course provides the simple techniques needed to prepare a cake fordecorating much like an artist would prepare a canvas on which to paint.
We will start with the Fundamentals to provide you with the backgroundneeded to create any of the special cakes presented in my step-by-stepspecialized cake decorating demonstration/lectures.
My Cake Decorating Course allows you to learn at your own pace and inyour own kitchen. I demonstrate the creation of cakes often costing less than$10 to make that would sell for as much as $40 - $80 at a high end bakery or grocery store.
Just imagine the response you will get when you offer your professionalstyled cake at the next family celebration. You and your astonishing edible creation will be the talk of the party.You will soon be creating Princess Doll cakes, cute little Baby Bear cakes,seasonal holiday cakes, . . . watch each cake creation as a separateeasy-to-follow demonstration.
This course is the first step into the exciting and rewarding world ofcake decorating and design. .
As anenrolled student of this course, you will be notified of additional cakedecorating demonstration/lectures as they are added. You will learn fresh ideasand techniques from these newly added demonstration/lectures at no additionalcost to you.
Updated on 14 November, 2018- Diploma in Baking & Cake Decorating Academy for Health & FitnessAED 48
AED 2,387Duration: 6 Hours - Baking and Cake Decorating Level 2 Apex LearningAED 99Duration: Upto 1 Hour