Udemy C/C++ for Beginners Udemy
Price: AED 735
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Modern C and C++ share a rich & common legacy. Often called upon to work with legacy C and / or C++ code, modern C/C++ software developers need to understand the difference between the two.

Part of a three (3) part series, GNU C/C++ For Beginners begins by covering what every new software developer should know. Starting out by focusing upon basic compiler concepts, our keyword-centric approach ensures that no concept will be left behind!

Using the cross-platform, time-proven GNU tool set, understanding how products such as Cygwin can be used to create standards-compliant, portable software also allows students working on Microsoft Windows to begin to master the Linux / Unix programming world. Covering control flows, functions, pseudo functions, structures, typedefs, argument processing, unions, and even state machines will prepare new students for the GNU C/C++ 2000 training opportunity.

Updated on 14 November, 2018