Business Statistics For Bankers (New) Bahrain Institute for Banking & Finance
Price: AED 2,923

    Course details

    This course aims to explore various research methods that could be used by a bank in order to improve its overall performance ? both in terms of value delivered to its customers and value derived by the bank. The course is aimed at enhancing the capabilities of banking staff to effectively implement various globally proven research methods. The course attendees will learn to implement market intelligence gathering system for their respective banks based on practical examples pursued by various international banks. It will improve their ability to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty in an objective manner in alignment with the bank?s strategic priorities. Besides, the attendees will learn how to effectively utilize the outcomes from the research in improving the capabilities of their respective banks ? their strategies, people, processes and systems. This course will enable attendees typically from a retail-banking environment to hone their skills in developing appropriate research methods to capture market and customer insight. But more importantly, it will enable them to shape and implement right strategies and tactics to improve the competitiveness of their respective banks.

    Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Define role statistics plays in forming business decisions.
    • Describe various data collection and presentation methods.
    • Describe role of probability in the aid of business decisions. 
    • Prepare and perform analysis of data through common description measures.
    • Perform basic probability concepts making use of contingency tables.
    • Perform analysis using both discrete and continuous probability distributions.
    • Analyze importance of Central Limit Theorem in business applications.
    • Evaluate business decisions through use of confidence intervals, sample size, and hypothesis testing

    Target Audience

    Risk officers; executives; researchers; relationship managers; data analysts

    Entry Requirements

    None required

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Bahrain Institute for Banking & Finance

    We_They plays a vital role in the training and development of human capital in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Our commitment to excellence has strengthened our position as the top provider of quality education across all major business disciplines. We serve as a partner to numerous world-class institutions; delivering thought leadership, research and advisory, assessment and training in the areas of Accounting and Finance, Academic, Executive Development, Banking, Leadership and Management, Insurance, Islamic Finance and Information Technology; resulting in a complete business solution.

    We_They covers a wide spectrum of subject matter, with over 300 different courses offered to the financial and corporate market; tailor-made training solutions based on organisational requirements; specialised programmes taught by leading market specialists; and professional qualifications and degree programmes in partnership with major international organisations.

    We_They continues to exceed global benchmarks for many of the qualifications it offers with its affiliates.

    Since its inception in 1981, We_They has grown from training 450 applicants a year primarily within the banking industry, to 20,000 drawing participants from all sectors of the economy, and are proud to have qualified over 200,000 learners in the last 3 decades.

    Our faculty comprise of market practitioners, academics and qualified senior industry professionals. Their perse backgrounds ensure an enriched participant experience, striking the perfect balance between theory and practice.

    We_They has made its mark internationally with clients in Asia, Africa, Europe, USA and the Middle East, well on its way to becoming the global institute of choice.

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