Business & IT Studies (Home, Community & Centre Based Programme) National Learning Network - CPD
Price: TBA

    Course details

    The course aims to equip students with the skills and competencies in Information Technology needed to obtain employment or access further training. Supports available including regular visits from the Distance Learning Instructors and regular centre meetings with fellow students. Employment placements are part of the programme. Skills are acquired in your own home on equipment supplied by the centre.


    • Word Processing
    • Spreadsheets
    • Databases
    • Desktop Publishing
    • Email & Internet
    • PC Security
    • File Management
    • Personal Development
    • Career Planning

    Optional modules include:

    • Payroll
    • Manual & Computerised Accounts


    FETAC Level 4 & 5 Major Award, ECDL, Advanced ECDL

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About National Learning Network - CPD

    We_They provides a range of flexible training courses and support services for people who need specialist support (job seekers, unemployed, people with an illness or disability) in 50 centres around the country. The SOLAS courses and HSE programmes, all of which include work experience, offer nationally recognised qualifications including FETAC, ECDL, and City and Guilds ensuring that students are ready to get a job or go on to further education.

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