Udemy Build 2 Huge 3D Games in Unity: Complete C# & Blender Models Udemy
Price: AED 735
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Doyou want to learn Unity from the ground up? This course is for you!

Build 2 Huge 3D Games in Unity: Complete C# & Blender Modelsisperfectfor fans of Zelda and Metroidvania games. You'll build 2 satisfying games explained step by step!

"Instructor is very clear and he carefully explains each concept while demonstrating it. This appears to be an excellent course to start with, even if you've never coded in C# before."

Funded by a #1 Kickstarter Project by Mammoth Interactive

  • Build video game levels.

  • Create your own materials.

  • Animate models to move in the game.

  • Code in C# for Unity.

  • Know the foundations of 3D model-making in Blender.

  • Unwrap UV's and perform simple texturing of 3D art assets.

  • Build games that you can easily expand and customize.

  • Build 3D "Legend of Zenda" and Super Marlo Runner games in Unity from scratch.

  • Navigate the Unity editor.

First you willlearnC# general programming. You'll learn how to write syntax, what it does, and how it functions.Mammoth Interactive instructor and game developer Glauco Pires will teach you the best examples on how C# programming is performed on objects.

Then you willjump into coding 2 games with movement controls, camera controls, AI, ability acquisition, dungeon completion, and designing with Blender.

Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this content in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:

  • How to develop your first 7 games in Unreal and Unity

  • Build "The Legend Of Zenda" Game in Unity and Blender

  • Make a 3D Unity Action Game & Low Poly Buildings in Blender

  • 28 Low Poly Models and a Unity Game - Complete 3D Developer

  • Professional Game Development: 3D Modeling and Unity C#

  • Create 19 Low Poly Models & Your First 3D RPG In Unity C#

  • Complete Unity and Android Development: Build Games and Apps

  • C# Masterclass: Make RPG & Mobile Games in Unity & Blender

  • Complete a Runner Game with 19 3D Models (and Learn to Code)

  • Build and model a Super MARLO runner clone in Unity

  • Build 43 Models & a 3D Runner Game in Unity with C# Code

  • Ultimate Guide to Blender & Unity: Game Design & Development

  • Make a Fully Featured Game: Code in C#, Make Low Poly Models

  • Make a Unity Platform Game & Low Poly Characters in Blender

  • Make Games and Web Apps: Unity, React and Redux Masterclass

What Makes this Mammoth Interactive course unique?

  • Learn to make both the code and art for games FROM SCRATCH

  • Understand thoroughly how to develop characters in Blender

  • Learnmany new techniques for UV Mapping gamecharacters.

Lessons are straight to the point andeasy to follow. If you want to learnthe more intermediate to advanced coding techniques required forgames, enroll nowwhile this Mammoth Interactive course is on sale!

A Huge Library of Steps

You don't need to have any programming, Unity, or Blender experience. This course is paced for beginners, making it super easy to understand. Enroll now in this special offer ofa great tutorial package!

Learn a Cross-Platform Game Engine

Unity is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity to build 2D and 3D games. Unity is cross-platform andeasy to use with other platforms. Learn all about Unity inBuild 2 Huge 3D Games in Unity: Complete C# & Blender Models.

Build 3D Art Assets in a Popular Production Suite

You will learn to create 3D models for games in Blender. You build all the art assets for the games, including characters, weapons, enemies, cannon, dungeon, and temple. You'll learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity.

Why Should You Learn Blender?

  • Blender, like Unity, is a popular production suite that is free to download.

  • Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally.

  • With Blender, you can make art assets for games, likein this Mammoth Interactivecourse.

  • Become an independent developer who understands all sides to game development

Enroll Now for Lifetime Access

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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