Course details
At the bottom of every webpage of, Amazon continues to
say: "Make Money with Us". Today, no one should insist on seeing any evidence to know that authors are really making it on Amazon through Kindle publishing. No one needs to wait long before seeing how Kindle authors actually make money with Amazon.
Right now, Kindle publishing booms and Amazon intensifies the efforts to make it boom better and bigger than ever.
But for you to make it with Kindle publishing, you can't be ignorant about choosing the best Kindle Store categories for your Kindle ebooks.
A fact is that we can't ignore or hide this true statement…
…the true statement that so many authors or coaches who teach about Kindle self-publishing just gloss over the subject of Kindle ebook categorization on the KDP dashboard. They weakly treat it as if it is not one of the TOP TWO MOST IMPORTANT ASPECTS of POSITIONING Kindle ebooks to Amazon ready buyers - Amazon buyers' keyword research/optimization being the second aspect.
Another true statement is that selection of Kindle Store categories is NEVER to be glanced over as far as a huge number of Kindle authors (including you) face the problem of selecting a set of targeted Kindle categories on the KDP dashboard, but finding their Kindle ebooks in another set of Kindle Store categories which are quite different from the categories selected initially.
The Problem - Exactly
For the KDP publishing platform, Amazon uses the BISAC categorization which is the publishing industry book classification standard.
For the Kindle Store, Amazon focuses on the interests of buyers and the trends in the writing market to classify Kindle ebooks and, therefore, Amazon uses its own in-house classification standard. Yet, Amazon requires that Kindle Authors should use the KDP dashboard to categorize their Kindle ebooks.
This is where the problem lies and the problem is that of incompatibility of categories between the publishing point and the selling point on Amazon.
Unfortunately, Amazon neither teaches about (nor provides a user's manual on) how to land Kindle ebooks in targeted Kindle categories. Even, begging and waiting for the intervention of the KDP support team doesn't always work through up to expectations.
Now, the question is why should you beg and wait and repeat the request for re-categorization intervention often and often when you can spend less than 5 minutes to do the thing for which you are begging and waiting.
Introducing the Udemy course titled:
"Get Your Kindle eBooks Directly to Your Targeted Categories:
How to Land Your Kindle eBooks Straight into the Best Kindle Store Categories: KDP Mis-Categorization Worry Now Resolved"
This is the course which you have been looking for. I know that because you want to unravel the secret of how to land your Kindle ebooks straight into the best Kindle Store categories that they should belong.
The core objective of the course is to resolve your worries about the challenge of Kindle ebooks mis-categorization by giving you the secrets for overcoming them.
This is a first-of-its-kind course and you will not see it anywhere on the Internet other than on Udemy.
The course is a unique one that, I guarantee, will offer you the do-it-yourself skills you need for choosing, without any Amazon intervention, the best Kindle Store categories for your Kindle ebooks.
It is very clear that the problem of Kindle ebooks mis-categorization is a big hurdle in your way of building the deserved sales for your Kindle ebooks.
In other words, while readers are really buying Kindle ebooks every minute, Kindle ebooks mis-categorization indirectly causes loss of sales for you. This is because mis-categorized Kindle ebooks will always miss the deserved visibility to the right Amazon buyers.
The course teaches various things about direct categorization of Kindle ebooks into intended Kindle Store categories, but it specially provides and substantiates the clues that:
- You must be cognizant of the fact that hundreds of categories in the Kindle Store are not, at all, available on the KDP dashboard.
- Remember that buyers don't buy with the categories on the KDP dashboard. As you know, they buy by making use of the Kindle Store categories ONLY. Inside the course, I show you the specific type of categories you must stick with in the Kindle Store.
- It is wrong to start your Kindle ebooks categorizing straight away on the KDP dashboard without a ready C.I. (I show you and explain what C.I. is, where to view and copy it free on the Internet and why you definitely need it before rushing to the KDP dashboard to start the categorization process for your Kindle ebooks).
- You must run away from using general categories on the KDP dashboard for categorizing your Kindle ebooks. Instead, you must categorize into ending categories which enable your Kindle ebooks to gain visibility so quickly. (I clearly demonstrate categorizing into ending categories in the course).
- To simplify how to top-rank your Kindle ebook (and possibly dominate certain categories in a short time), you must dodge competitive categories by finding and using unloaded hidden categories. I teach you 5 ways to find hidden categories. This is not the unnecessary drilling of categories you have been taught so far by the 'gurus'.
- You must watch out for newly added Kindle Store categories and quickly occupy them as an advantage over your competing Kindle authors.
- And more… including Amazon three criteria you must fulfill to really categorize your Kindle ebooks the very smart way.
Even, your quick glance through the curriculum below will be okay to know about all what are taught in the course.
View the course previews as well…
…and register now.
Once again, the title of the course is:
"Get Your Kindle eBooks Directly to Your Targeted Categories:
How to Land Your Kindle eBooks Straight into the Best Kindle Store Categories: KDP Mis-Categorization Worry Now Resolved"
Remember, the title of the course, itself, is a promise made and in the course the promise is delivered.
Register now to have the promise delivered to you.
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