Course details
Learn C++with modern features introduced with C++11/14
Update [Oct 19, 2017] :Instructions added for installing Visual Studio Community 2017, Cevelop (Eclipse)&Code::Blocks
Update [Sep 29, 2107] :Added more content on dynamic memory allocation (malloc, new[], 2D arrays, strings)
Update [Sep 16, 2017] :C++concurrency (std::thread, std::mutex, etc)
Update [April 27, 2017] :Templates, Function Object, Lambda Expressions, Standard Template Library
Update [Mar 23, 2017] : Virtual… + Read More
Course details
Learn C++with modern features introduced with C++11/14
Update [Oct 19, 2017] :Instructions added for installing Visual Studio Community 2017, Cevelop (Eclipse)&Code::Blocks
Update [Sep 29, 2107] :Added more content on dynamic memory allocation (malloc, new[], 2D arrays, strings)
Update [Sep 16, 2017] :C++concurrency (std::thread, std::mutex, etc)
Update [April 27, 2017] :Templates, Function Object, Lambda Expressions, Standard Template Library
Update [Mar 23, 2017] : Virtual Inheritance, Exception handling, File I/O, std::filesystem (C++17)
Update [Mar 4, 2017] : Strings, stringstreams, enums, inheritance, polymorphism
Update [Feb 25, 2017] :Source Code of existing topics added
C++ is a general purpose programming language invented by Bjarne Stroustrup 37 years ago. It is still one of the more popular programming languages, used for creating high performance applications across a wide variety of domains &platforms.
In 2011, C++11 was born. This revision added lot of new features to the language and it got a new name, Modern C++. This emphasizes writing C++ code using modern features of the language such as move semantics, automatic type inference, threading, lambda expressions, smart pointers and a lot more. C++11 was followed by C++14, that added even more features and enhanced existing onces. In 2017, wemay see a new release called C++17, that will add a filesystem library (covered in the course), parallel versions of STLalgorithms, new types such as std::optional and more.
This course teaches C++ as an object oriented language with modern features. It focuses on teaching C++concepts, bothold and new, with clear examples. It builds upon the basic language facilities that are then used to build more complex programs with classes, operator overloading, composition, inheritance, polymorphism &templates. Iteven digs deep into assembly to understand few concepts better.After every few topics, a quiz is presented that tests your understanding of the previous topics. Have fun learning Modern C++.
Note that this course is not for you if
- You have never programmed before
- You don't know ANY programming language
- You don't know the basic programming concepts such asvariables, functions, loops, references,compiler, etc
- You want to learn basics of programming
NOTE:The course will be continuouslyupdated with videos on the moretopics.
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less