Beginner's Guide to Writing Mystery Fiction Udemy
Price: USD 50
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

You will learn the basic principles of good mystery writing. If you've ever wondered how mystery authors keep their readers guessing and thought of writing a story of your own, but didn't know where to start, this is the course for you!

Learn the Basics of Writing a Great Mystery Story

  • Learn greatstory structure
  • Create compelling characters
  • Write dialogue that sparkles
  • Learn how to plant clues and other elements of the mystery genre in your story
  • Obtain writers'resources that mystery writers find useful

This course is on mystery fiction writing for beginners.

You'll learn this topicina short series ofvideo lectures, withsomeexplanatoryreading. Depending on how often one takes the lessons, the course can be finished within a week or two.

I designed this course for those who love to read mysteries and have considered writing them and are seeking guidance on how to get started. By the time you finish the course, you'll have all the basic knowledge you need to start your own mystery novel or short story.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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