Be Intelligent about your Emotions! Leadership Psychology Udemy
Price: USD 75
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Research and Studies have clearly established, thatEmotional Intelligence is at leastas important as General Intelligence, Rationality and Creativity,inpredicting Academic, Professional and Social Success!

ThisCourse takes a very unique anddifferent approach to Emotional Intelligence and Mastering your Emotions!
It takes you through the Research and Studies done on different Humanemotions, in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience andBehavioral Science. This will give you very differentperspectives and lessons that are grounded in real research and evidence.

Learn abouthowyour different emotionsaffect your judgements and decisions,your behaviour and interactions.And learn how to use this valuable knowledge to hugely improve your Leadership, Management and Social Skills!

You will learn about empathy, disgust, control, happiness, fear and sadness, cuteness and good looks. And the more complicated social emotions, of guilt, shame, revenge and forgiveness, and their subtle influences on your behaviour.

Become a more responsible, informed,aware and emotionally intelligent Leader!

This Course will cover critical insights from Psychology and Neuroscience, on how emotions affect your judgements and decisions! It does not cover traditional EI models or calculate your EQ!

Music snippets- Royalty Free music from Bensound, Video snippets from Pixabay.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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