Course details

This course combines a practical working knowledge with the theory of the evolving HD workflow and culture. It is suitable for those new to HD production and those already involved with its use: for producers, cameramen, make-up artists, set designers and editors working with budgets, different format cameras, high resolution TV and new workflow systems.

The course will also provide a background and knowledge to understanding 'how to use HD' constructively and to be cost effective, based on the knowledge of a highly experienced Producer and DoP, both influential practitioners in their field.


  • Understand the evolution of HD from SD
  • Learn about workflow dynamics - on location and post production
  • Find out the effect of high resolution on make up and set design
  • Gain knowledge on practical shooting of documentary and drama case studies
  • Learn the ergonomics of budget, camera and workflow choice


  • Producers
  • Cameramen
  • Make-up Artists
  • Set Designers
  • Editors
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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At Singapore Media Academy, we aim to create a lifelong learning culture that continuously seek new innovation and challenges to the methods and ways of doing things: to cultivate our participants’ ability for lateral thinking in a conducive environment for fruitful exchange of ideas and applications, to provide opportunities for critical studies that will prepare participants with relevant applied knowledge in their engagement with their professional practice, and to instill in our participants with a global and multi-cultural perspective.

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