Course details
This course offers a broad overview of many different security risks that computer users should be aware of and how the issues can be largely resolved. The majority of the course is delivered through videos providing either visuals and key points or screencasts displaying how to specifically handle some of the concepts. The majority of the information is contained within the course, though there are a few instances where students are encouraged to use linked online resources as supplementary materials.
This course is relatively short. A very focused student could likely complete the bulk of the course within a couple hours. The majority of the course's content is broken into four sections:
- The Need for Awareness
- Essential Tools
- Essential Skills
- Maintenance
The information provided in this course is important for all PC users. Since web-based threats are rapidly increasing, regular computer users must learn what the threats are and how they can combat them. This course is structured to provide the basics while remaining maneagable enough to easily fit within the schedule of most people.
Updated on 30 December, 2017