Udemy AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam 2018 Sampler Udemy
Price: AED 73
  • Duration: Flexible

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**Patterned after the latest exam format and updated regularly based on feedback of our 13000+ students on what appeared in the actual exam. Our practice tests are TOP NOTCH, as demonstrated by the 500++ reviews on our course**


This is a sampler of ourAWS Certified Solutions Architect AssociatePractice Exams, which is the complete version with 390 Unique questions and 6 Practice Tests.Patterned after the latest exam version, this sampler only contains2practice tests out of the 6 tests available from the complete version but nevertheless, this will still help you prepare for your AWS certification exam. And quite frankly, there are a lot of Practice Tests here in Udemy that rip you off with hundreds of dollars but do not even provide a sampler of 130 unique questions like this!

This free sampleroffer is one of a kind and evenway betterthan other practice testproviders likeWhizlabs, Linux Academy and A Cloud Guru, with the same high quality content!

And if you like this sampler, feel free to check out our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams with the complete390 Unique questions and 6 Practice Tests.We are confident that this sampler, as well as our completeAWSPractice Exams,will help you pass your certification exam without spending too much money on practice tests!


AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate ( SAA-C01 )is consistently amongthe top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50%market share! Earn over$150,000 per year with an AWS certification!

But before you become an AWSCertified Solutions Architect Professional, you have to pass theAssociateexam first and this is where the AWSpractice testscomein. It is possible that you haveread all of the available AWSdocumentations online yet still fail the exam! These AWS practice tests simulatethe actual certification exam andensure that you indeed understand the subject matter.

Some people are usingbrain dumps for the certification exam which is totallyabsurd and highlyunprofessional because these dumps will not onlyhinder you to attain an in-depth AWSknowledge, thesecan result in youfailing theactual AWS exam since Amazonregularly updates the exam coverage.

Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 500++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual practice tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are meant to do.

As mentioned above, this is just a sampler of theAWS Certified Solutions Architect AssociatePractice Exams,which offers the following:

  • Simulates theactual, and the latest, AWSSolutions Architect Associate certificationexam

  • Has 2Practice Testswith65 UNIQUE questions eachwith a130-minute time limit

  • A total of 130Unique questions to help you pass and even ace the AWSexam!

  • Has full and comprehensive explanations on each question.

  • HascompleteReferenceLinks so you can check and verify yourself that the answers arecorrect.

  • Contains aTest Report to track your progress andshow youwhich Knowledge Area you need improvement.

  • Mobile-compatible so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!

  • Has a better value thanthe officialAWSPractice Testwhich is worth about$20 but only containsabout 20 - 40questions.

  • Clear and Error-Free Questions! Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to theQA section sowe candiscuss any issues.

  • Prepared by a Certified Solutions Architect Professionalwho hasactually passed the exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWSCertificate)

  • Thesepractice exams are designed to focus on the important exam topics (such as EC2, EBS, S3 and many others) hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other knowledge area.The number of questions in each topic are carefully selectedbased on the 5domains of the actual AWScertification exam. Out of the 5 domains, theDomain 1: Design Resilient Architectures has the highestpercentage (34%)with topics such asreliable and/or resilient storage; how to designdecoupling mechanisms;determine how to design multi-tier/ high availability/ fault tolerant architecturesusingEC2, EBS, S3 and many others. Note that although there is a focus on these topics, the questions are all stillunique, to ensure that you fully grasp the topic.

There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market however, most of them containboth technical andgrammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are alsoofficial certification practice examsprovided by AWS but these onlyhave20 or 40 questions andcost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that iscomparable withhavingthis390Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions!

WhenIwasreviewingformyAWSCertifiedSolutionsArchitectAssociateexam,Ihadahardtimefindingcomprehensive practice tests to help me pass my exam. I bought some of them in the market but I was disappointed because there are a lot of technical and grammatical errors in the questions.This is why I created these practice tests to help my fellow IT professionals in the industry.

Wegave aconsiderable amount of effortto create andpublish these practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each items for any errors.We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your exam. All the best!


These practice exams have a passing score of 72% but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these examsagain and again until youconsistently reach a score of90% or higheron each exam.Note that the AWS Certification passing scoreis not published by Amazon as it isset by using statistical analysiswhich may change without notice.

Remember that usingthis product alonedoes notguarantee you will pass the exam as you stillneed to do your ownreadings andhands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement and even help you achieve ahigher score!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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