Course details
AVisual, Concise and Interactive AWS reviewer
AWS Certified Solutions Architectis consistently amongthe top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50%market share.Professionals can earn over$150,000 per year with an AWS certification!
This is a visual,concise and interactive AWS certification examreviewer, strategically designed to tackle all of therelevant topics for the AWSProfessional Level exam -- saving you precious time and money.The curriculum is carefully planned to mirror the professional level exam blueprint, including the required prerequisites such as General Amazon Web Service knowledge andGeneral ITKnowledge.
Focused on Key Exam Components
The exam blueprint, General ITand AWS knowledgearekey componentsthat you have to learn andmaster, in order for you to pass your exam. Plus, there are two Practice Tests included, each containing 77 questions that simulates the actual exam, with comprehensive explanations and reference links.I alsoincluded a ton of extra learning materialssuch asExam Tips, Additional Technical References and lastly, a unique Versus section where we will discuss the differences between twoseemingly similar (and usually misunderstood)technologies and topics.
What makes this reviewer unique among other courses out there is that, I strategically teach the commonpatterns in AWS.It's like playing guitar or piano: if you know the key of a certain song, you'll know what major and minor chords to expect as part of the pattern. Moreover, this course is not just a bunch of slideshows! I took the time to present each lectures with animations, diagrams, tables, memes and other visual aides for you to better understand the topics.
Some people are usingbrain dumps for the AWS certification exam which is totallyabsurd and highlyunprofessional because these dumps will not onlyhinder you from attainingin-depth AWSknowledge, butcan also make youfailtheactual AWS exam since Amazonregularly updates the exam coverage. Hence, I highly recommend to prepare early,study hard and take thepractice tests just as what is provided in this reviewer.
TheAWS Certified Solutions Architect ProfessionalRevieweris for anyone who is looking for astudy material that:
Covers all of the AWS certification exam domains as indicated in the exam blueprint namely:High Availability, Business Continuity, Costing, Data Storage, Deployment Management, Security and many more.
Covers theGeneral AWSknowledge from Computing, Storage, Database, Networking, Security, Compliance and Media services.
Provides anITknowledge review for basicNetworking and Development concepts such asCIDR, OSIModel,RESTful Web Services and many more.
A visual, concise yet fun AWS reviewer specifically designed for AWSCertified Solutions Architect Professional.
Helps you pass the actual exam on your first try!
Prepared by a Certified Solutions Architect Professional who hasactually passed the exam.(Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWSCertificate)
Mobile-compatible so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone
Not just a bunch of boringslideshows! Has a lot of visual aides like mind-maps, diagrams, animations and even memes.
Containsexercises and assignments to boost your hands-on experience in AWS
Has a better value thanthe officialAWSPractice Testwhich is worth about$40 but only containsabout 40questions which you can only just use once.
Has2 Practice Tests with 77 unique questions and the same170 minute timelimit, like the one in the actual exam.
The Practice Testsinclude full and comprehensive explanations on each question plusa Test Report to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Area you need improvement.
Provides helpfulreminders,tips and techniques for the actual exam.
Includes the correct answers to the officialsample questions.
Compiles a list of additional learning resources that you can easily access
... a complete all in one reviewer!
WhenIwasreviewingformyAWSCertifiedSolutionsArchitectProfessional exam,Ihadahardtimefindingcomprehensive reviewers andpractice tests to help me pass my exam. I bought some of them in the market but I was disappointed because there are a lot of technical issues on some reviewers and the other video courses are just a bunch of slideshows where the instructor just read the slides.This is why I created this reviewerto help my fellow IT professionals in the industry.
I am confident that this will significantly help you pass your exam and achieve that prestigious AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional badge
...on your first try!
Let's architect the cloud with AWS.
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