Course details

Course Overview: This is a course for anyone interested in Awakening their Light Nature within.This course is for anyone who feels that there is more to life than what they have thought, felt, seen or experienced with their five physical senses.

We are all Energy Beings that are on the path of Universal Truth.

You will receive with this course a copy of the PDF book "Awaken" which is the core teachings of this very unique path; and also the PDF book "Awaken Celestial Nature" along with MP3 audio lessons and Guided Meditation for Energy Development.

With this path there are certain rules in this Universe that we can use to our advantage so that we can "Awaken to the truth that each one of us has unlimited resources and possibilities to direct and control our life to be exactly what we would like it to be.

You should take this course with a completely open mind and you too shall see just how easy it is to understand and use the "Supreme Principles Of Being to bring peace, happiness, power and success into your life. All of the Skills that you will learn here are very Powerful and once understood; will change your life forever. All of your questions about Truth, life and the Universe will be answered. You will know what the people around you are thinking and feeling. You will be able to direct Universal Energies with your thoughts, feelings, words and deed; which will allow you to take complete charge of every facet your life and environment. These Principles will empower you with creative abilities that should be only in the hands of the Enlightened. Here are just a few things that we can help you with: Intellectual Group Discussions, One on One Personal Guidance, Awakening Consciousness, Connecting with Universal Mind,Transforming Body to Light Energy, Awakening Celestial Nature, Thought Transference, Light Energy Healing, Energy Body Awareness, Directing Universal Energies, Positive Thinking, Deep Meditation, Inner Peace, Personal Growth, and Oneness.

Info: about the Founder of New Earth

White Wolf the founder of "New Earth" and teacher of "Awakening Celestial Nature" has spent over 25 years understanding the truth of the Universe. During his walk to the Truth White Wolf experienced a N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) that was so powerful that he was instantly connected to Universal Consciousness; since that moment all of his questions about Universal Truth were answered. During his meditations White Wolf began receiving information from Universal Mind; that he applied; which totally transformed his life forever. The book "Awaken" came to him in a blinding Light. This book was the doorway to the "Supreme Principles of Being"; this set of Principles allowed anyone to direct positive Universal Energies by means of their thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

For many years White Wolf and a small circle of practitioners used these principles in every facet of their lives, to prove without a shadow of doubt that they could create anything. After using these Principles for rectifying their thoughts, feelings, words and deeds; with great success; White Wolf decided that he would release these teachings to anyone who has a passion to live their life without limitations. So come and join us. All that you need to benefit from all that the Supreme Principles of Being have to offer, is an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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