Appxone Training Center AVR Microcontroller Appxone Training Center
Price: AED 312
  • Timings: Enquire

Course details

Introduction to Microcontroller Family
Types of AVR
Architecture of ATMEGA16/32
Block diagram
Pin details
Digital Port Accessing
Input and output pins
Port configuration
Data Direction Register DDR
Input & output registers
Introduction to C Language
Data sending to and receiving from bits/Ports
Bitwise operation
Logical operation
Shifting data left and right
AND/, OR/, NAND & NOR gate operations
Configuring LCD
LCD data lines
LCD control lines
2×16 lines and 4×20 lines LCD
Printing text or numbers
Introduction to pointer variable
Serial (USART) communication
BAUD rate
Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission
USART BAUD rate register
USART control register
USART status register
USART data register
Interfacing Bluetooth Module/, RF module
Communication between two controllers
Analogue to digital converter
ADC interrupts
Volt meter
Interfacing sensors like temperature sensor/, IR sensor/, flame sensor and accelerometer
Internal and external EEPROM
EEPROM address register
EEPROM data register
EEPROM control register
Saving data and recalling data in EEPROM
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Introduction to PWM
PWM in Fast Mode
TCNT0 register
TCCR0 register
Controlling DC motor/, intensity of light of LED and servo motor
Introduction to Timers
8 bits Timer
16 bits Timer
PROJECT Updated on 01 November, 2017

Eligibility / Requirements

This course is designed for those students who are doing graduation or working in industry as a professional.
Least Criteria:

OR equivalent to intermediate
OR already have knowledge of the course

About Appxone Training Center

ATC i.e. Appxone Training Center provides individual and corporate trainings and has created a pool of high quality Computer science , Electronics Engineers and IT professionals who are meeting the demanding needs of organizations for the latest generation of IT applications.

Within a short span of time ATC became a market leader in IT Training and Electronics Engineering. Every student or professional aspires for success. But becoming successful is not easy – success comes to those who have the confidence to succeed. Appxone Training Center has been providing quality education. We can say it proudly Electronics and Computer Science batches completed successfully so far. Besides all this also offering professional & job oriented courses under the supervision of experienced and professional teachers. Our Students learn making android and iphone apps and robots and learn languages at one place to meet the industrial criteria.

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