Course details
With the ever increasing velocity of software development, the people charged with testing applications find themselves struggling to keep pace with new features while balancing the need for regression and integration tests. To succeed in assuring the quality of applications, teams need fast, reliable testing methods. By implementing test automation, lead times for running smoke and regression tests can be greatly reduced while improving the consistency and accuracy of them. While this seems like a simple solution, the knowledge and expertise required to build stable test harnesses is not yet common among testers or developers.
In this course, you will learn the skills necessary to build fully automated test suites for web-based applications using one of the most popular testing tools available, Selenium WebDriver.
Establish a Robust Knowledge Base for Selenium with this Essential Course.
- Develop a reusable framework to accelerate test harness creation
- Learn how to use one test to perform cross-browser functionality checks
- Discover the methods used to identify and interact with the elements of web page
- Configure, deploy, and connect to a Selenium Grid to allow parallel and cross-browser testing
- Implement the Page Object Model to create a functional and easily maintained test harness
- Incorporate the framework and page objects into a real world example of a test suite
Utilize the Power and Flexibility of the Selenium Suite to Empower Your Team
Selenium WebDriver is the fastest growing web testing framework available today and is slated to become the W3C standard for web browser automation. By learning and implementing Selenium now, you will be able to position yourself and your team as leaders in automated web testing. Once the standard has been fully implemented, your tests will be fully compatible with all standardized browsers provided exemplary value for cross-browser testing in both time and maintenance.
Currently, WebDriver has been implemented for most of the major browsers including:
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Opera
In addition to desktop browsers, Selenium supports mobile testing on iOS and Android. through driver options such as Appium, Selendroid, and iOS Driver.
With Selenium powering your tests, you will be able to accomplish more in shorter periods of time and without the hassles of trying to work with proprietary languages or dealing with the maintenance nightmares of record-and-playback software packages.
Thiscourse provides a fast track to success using SeleniumWebDriver to implement automated tests within your organization.Lectures cover the use of the Page Object Model for developing easilymaintained test harnesses, creating an automation framework that willincrease your test implementation velocity on any project, and how toavoid some of the pitfalls most testers find themselves in. Inaddition to learning how to utilize WebDriver, you will gainexperience in configuring and connecting to a Selenium Grid forparallel and cross-browser testing using a single test suite.
Thecourse is taught using the methods I use when mentoring juniordevelopers and testers on the job. Information is provided throughvideo demonstrations, discussions, and written resources. A quiz hasbeen included in each section to help you determine how much of theinformation you have retained from the lectures. Some sections alsohave practice exercises to help in cementing your new knowledge.
Ifyou have any questions about the content or would like someassistance in troubleshooting an exercise, please contact me. I willrespond as quickly as possible.
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