Course details
In this Autodesk Inventor Advanced Part training course, expertauthor Asif Ahmed, Autodesk Inventor Expert will teach youhow to create complex part using the advanced part tools in AutodeskInventor. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user.If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding Autodesk Inventoradvanced part topic, then this is also right course for them.
Followalong with our expert instructor in this training course to get:
·Concise, informative and broadcast-quality AutodeskInventor Advanced Part training videos delivered to your desktop.
·4.5+hours of HD video tutorials
·Over 74individual video lectures
·Exercisefiles- to help you become proficient with the material.
·The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive,easy-to-use interface
·A quick grasp of even the most complex Autodesk Inventorpart subjects because they're broken into simple and easy to followtutorial videos.
You will start by learning intermediate sketch tools suchas move, rotate, scale. Stretch, sketch pattern, 3d sketch and so on. Then wewill learn how to make complex curve such as equation curve, helix curve,spiral curve, intersection curve, curve on face, project to surface, curveusing points and so on.
This video tutorial will then cover how to make sketch block,manage sketch block, advanced options in sweep, loft and fillet tool and teachyou what is multibody part and what is the best way todesign in 3D part using multibody part environment. Then we will learn alladvanced options and tools available in sketch based feature. Then this course will also cover lots ofadvanced topics such as draft tool, split tool, direct editing tool etc. Then,you will learn how to create and manage parameter and many more advanced topics.
Once you have completed this computer based training course, youwill be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your owncomplex 3D part using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included,allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.
In this Autodesk Inventor Advanced Part training videotutorial series, you'll quickly haverelevant skills for real-world applications.
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