Course details

The expectations and obligations on audit committees continue to evolve in response to governance developments and the need for Boards and governing bodies to demonstrate that they are adhering to relevant audit, assurance and risk management requirements. The Audit committee charter will set out the duties of the Committee in areas such as internal control, internal audit, external audit, financial reporting, risk management, reporting relationships within the organisation and its interaction with other committees. This highly interactive half day event will be of benefit to new audit committee members and those who wish to benchmark how their audit committee is functioning.
Upon completion of this course, participants will:
  • Understand the role and responsibilities of the Audit Committee as part of the governance and assurance systems with organisations
  • Review and consider the essential features of effective audit committees
  • Examine the specific responsibilities of the audit committee
  • Consider the key elements of the annual audit committee work programme
  • Have a greater understanding of the legal, regulatory and professional obligations for audit committees
The course will cover the following areas:
  • Role and responsibilities of Audit Committee
  • Audit committee charters
  • Relationships with senior management, internal audit and Board
  • Audit committee work programme
  • Risk management systems and audit oversight
  • Assurance arrangements
  • Assessing audit committee effectiveness
Workshop Leaders
This course will be delivered by members of our experienced Finance and Governance Team: Noreen Fahy, Paul Turpin and Aidan Horan.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Institute of Public Administration - IPA

The Institute of Public Administration is Ireland’s only public service development agency focused exclusively on public sector development. It delivers its service through:

  • education and training, building people’s capability to meet challenges
  • direct consultancy, solving problems and helping plan and shape the future
  • research and publishing - understanding what needs to be done and making these findings readily available.

they tailor their services to the particular needs of the public service. their blend of skill and experience means that they can develop and offer a service which meets public service needs precisely and effectively. Whilst their services are delivered mainly to clients in the Irish Public Service, they have a strong reputation and demand for their services internationally also.

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