Course details
This 20 (CEU) Home Study program has been set up for your success!
Barefoot Sports Therapy is a unique Eastern modality in which the therapist's primarytool is his or her feet. The feet achieve effortless deep tissue massage. The feet applybroader and deeper ranges of pressure than the hands or elbows. Most importantly, feetsustain deep tissue techniques for longer periods without injuring the therapist's wristsor thumbs.
Barefoot Sports Therapy is also unique because clients can remain comfortably clothedin shorts and a top during their massage. Many potential clients do not feel comfortablewith the idea of being naked, even if they know they will be covered with a sheet.Having a fully clothed massage option can open your business up to a new targetmarket. There are whole groups of people who will never schedule a traditional Swedishmassage but will eagerly book a Barefoot Sports Therapy massage knowing they cankeep their clothes on.
Another unique feature of Barefoot Sports Therapy is no private room is needed; it canbe done anywhere and at anytime! This makes it a great choice for outdoor sportingevents such as marathons, soccer games, track or field events and other athleticoccasions. Barefoot Sports Therapy can be offered beside a pool, in a park, on abalcony or at the beach. If desired, Barefoot Sports Therapy can be offered in a privateroom, but it is not required because clients do not need to undress.
The greatest advantage of Barefoot Sports Therapy is its versatility. There are so manyways it can be offered. For example, you can offer:
30-minute shoulder, back and neck treatments on any massage table with a28-inch wooden stool for balance.
60- or 90-minute full-body treatments on a massage table with overhead bars(permanent or portable).
30-, 60- or 90-minute treatments on a mat on the floor. This is a great choice foroutdoor events.
30-, 60- or 90-minute treatments on a Pilates Cadillac in an open space whileother clients are getting physical therapy or having a Pilates lesson.
- AED 62
AED 661Duration: Upto 5 Hours - Complete Guide Fitness and Muscle Building Course CentralAED 115
AED 367Duration: Upto 1 Hour