Art History (M.Phil. / P.Grad.Dip.) Trinity College Dublin
Price: TBA

    Course details

    This taught Masters course offers students a wide range of art-historical approaches to the art and architecture of Ireland and the abundant holdings of European and World art in Ireland. It is an opportunity to study modern and contemporary Irish art, the rich holdings of religious art in Ireland, the links between Irish and European art, and Ireland’s built heritage. The course provides students with the art–historical skills, methodologies, and theoretical approaches essential to advanced research, analysis, documentation, and digitisation. Throughout all modules, there is a strong emphasis on direct engagement with works of art in public and private collections. Students will be expected to think critically about the interpretation of objects using a range of methodological approaches and to conduct independent research. The M.Phil. in Art History is a unique opportunity to undertake advanced study in the history of art in Ireland and provides a strong foundation for those considering doctoral research or careers working in museums, galleries, and auction houses, as well as in education, cultural media and heritage.

    A central element of the course is a module in research methods that explores the principal sources and methodologies applicable to advanced study in the history of art. In addition, students choose four electives that offer detailed engagement with particular periods and media. These modules cover subjects such as: Medieval Monastic Ireland; Interpreting Ireland’s Built Heritage; Ireland and France, ; Religious Art in Ireland; Themes and Agendas in Modern and Contemporary Irish Art; and Medieval Manuscripts in Irish Collections. The taught modules prepare students to undertake a substantial research dissertation of words on a selected subject under the supervision of a member of staff.

    Graduates of the course are well placed to pursue a multiplicity of career pathways, for example, in the museum and cultural sector, as media and public relations specialists, in publishing, public administration or business and, of course, teaching and research. For those already working in these sectors the course will enrich knowledge and skills, stimulate lateral thinking, and act as a spur to innovation.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Trinity College Dublin

    Trinity is recognised as one of the world's leading research-intensive universities and its research continues to address issues of global societal and economic importance. The University's research strategy is based on developing multidisciplinary areas in which the College has the critical mass of world-class researchers needed to deliver research of global consequence.

    Among the priority research themes being addressed by Trinity researchers are ageing, nanoscience and materials, telecommunications, neuroscience, human identity, cancer, international integration, arts practice, and the inclusive society. These are topics that not only address issues of immediate and long-term concern to society but offer opportunities for future economic development. The University's commitment to a research-led education means that our students are exposed to leaders in their discipline, to the latest knowledge and ideas, and to an education that emphasises analytical skills and creative thinking, and gives students an opportunity to develop a broad range of skills by engaging in personal research.

    This excellence in research underpins Trinity's Innovation and Entrepreneurship strategy. Research is central to the generation of the new disruptive ideas that will underpin future sustainable businesses. The knowledge created by Trinity is critical for the economic development of Ireland as it is for the education on offer to our students.

    Trinity's research themes are supported by a set of research institutes that provide the infrastructure needed to support multi-disciplinary research as well as engagement with enterprise and social partners working in partnership with Trinity's twenty-four schools.

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