Arabic Core Track Study CGE Jordan
Price: JOD 576

    Course details

    As the name suggests, our Core Track Study is CGE Jordan's flagship study program.  The reason for this is that it offers students the best of both worlds: 1) A small study group (3-6 students) -- ideal for speaking practice and critical exercises -- and 2) a low tuition rate.

    Core Track Study utilizes "The Arabic Capsules" curriculum which has been designed by our founding director and is exclusively used at CGE Jordan.  The Arabic Capsules are designed to be a balanced curriculum which grows a student's speaking proficiency in three critical areas:

    1. Acquiring and using high-frequency task/topic-based vocabulary
    2. Understanding and using key grammar structures
    3. Increasing fluency (speed of speech) and accuracy in speaking
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About CGE Jordan

    Founded in 2005, CGE Jordan is a leading Arabic language institute located next to the North Gate of the University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan.  For more than a decade, we have been helping students like yourself effectively engage the Arab World and its people in a deep and meaningful way.

    We put our energies into two all-important objectives:

    • To provide you with the most effective Arabic language instruction in the Middle East
    • To serve you with the distinction you deserve
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