Course details
We face an array of problems and decisions on a daily basis. By understanding problems from a systems thinking standpoint, you are able to see how they are interconnected and the impact on your organisation.
This course provides you with the approaches and tools of systems thinking to help facilitate your problem solving and decision making process.
Target Audience:
This course is suitable for executives or managers, especially those who are responsible for the operation and performance of a team. It is also useful for people in small businesses or the self-employed.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Analyse a problematic situation systemically to gain insights to the root causes
- Have the confidence in presenting the causes of wicked problems using systems diagrams
- Sharpen decision-making ability with clear alertness to unintended consequences
- Develop a proactive mind-set by looking at innovative opportunities in the midst of messy situations
- Be a more influential systems thinker that everyone turns to for effective problem handling
Course Outline:
Unravel Mess Through Systems Thinking
- Why solutions don’t work
- Differentiate between difficulties & wicked problems or mess
- Integrate reductionist thinking & holistic thinking
- Work to improve mess
Apply Systems Thinking Approaches & Processes to Identify Root Causes
- Apply holistic approach to see interconnectedness
- Apply perspective approach to achieve comprehensive understanding
- Draw rich pictures to view the mess
- Identify themes of mess
- Draw systems diagram to understand interconnections
Use Systems Archetype Tools to Formulate Interventions for Improvements
How to apply the following eight archetype tools for formulating interventions:
- Limits to success
- Shift the burden
- Eroding goals
- Escalation
- Success to the successful
- Tragedy of the common
- Fixes that fail
- Growth & underinvestment
Draw causal loop diagram (CLD) for analysis
Develop Implementation Plan to Achieve Sustainable Success
- Use soft systems methodology (SSM) for sustainable result
- Explore problematic situations
- Create purposeful activities
- Discuss the problematic situations
- Define & carry out actions to improve
Assess the Effectiveness of the Chosen Interventions
- Apply the 5Es of efficacy, efficiency, effectiveness, elegance & ethicality
- Sharing this information with others
- Documenting the process
Methodology: Mini-lectures, plenary discussions, small group discussions, role-plays, exercises, presentations, case studies etc.
Teacher & Student Ratio: 1:25 (maximum capacity)
Updated on 08 November, 2015Course Location
About Training Vision Institute
Established since 1991, Training Vision is a leading training institute. Training Vision Institute provides an integrated and holistic approach towards the design and methodology of Workforce Development training programmes. In addition, Training Vision Institute also offers consultancy services, where customised solutions are created to suit your company's needs.
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