Course details
This WSQ Generic Manufacturing – Logistics module aims to impart the necessary skills and knowledge to apply the 5S techniques in a manufacturing environment.
Programme Outline
SEIRI - Clear unnecessary items from work area
- What is SEIRI?
- Conducting SEIRI
- Visual Workplace Concept
- The Red-Tag Strategy
- Disposal of unnecessary items
SEITON - Organise work area in an orderly manner
- Conducting SEITON
- Storage Concepts and Methodology
- Visual Management Concept
SEISO - Clean work area
- Why Cleaning?
- Conducting SEISO
- Cleaning Methods And Tools Available
- Handling Defects
SEIKESTU - Maintain work area cleanliness
- Conducting SEIKESTU
- What is Standard?
- Visual Check on 3S
SHITSUKE - Maintain self-discipline in work area
- The Importance Of SUSTAIN
- Taking Personal Responsibility to 5S
- Types Of Improvements
- Keys to Sustaining 5S Success
Course Location
About Lighthouse Global
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