Application for the Higher Certificate in Property & Facility Management SCSI Skillnet
Price: 2,750 Per Annum,

    Course details

    The course places a heavy emphasis on work-based learning, which is assessed by way of a weekly analytical log which must be kept by students, visits to the workplace by qualified assessors, and the writing of an end of year report. ASSESSMENT & ACCREDITATION All assessment in relation to the programme is conducted in accordance with the DIT Assessment Regulations. Students will be assessed on the basis of end of semester examinations and / or a combination of projects and continuous assessment for some course modules.


    The programme is designed for those working in the property and / or facility management profession. Applications will be accepted from those typically involved in Facility Management; Property Management (Residential/Commercial/Retail); service providers to the industry; public sector employees involved in Hospital/OPW/ Local Authorities/Social Housing etc. The course is designed to equip students with knowledge of all factors affecting the property and facility management profession.

    Students will develop a keen understanding of the marketplace and a skillset that will enable them to influence and adapt to changes in the property market as they arise.



    Must be working in the property or facilities management industry at the time of application, and for the duration of the programme. Will normally have achieved a minimum of 5 passes in the Irish Leaving Certificate examination, or equivalent, to include English and Mathematics;


    • Have an equivalent award from a recognised awarding body
    • Hold a qualification from FETAC or other awarding body that is deemed to be at an equivalent or higher level.
    • Applicants may be considered if they have a minimum of five years relevant industry experience and are at least 23 years of age.

    Year 1 comprises 6 modules:

    • Introduction to Law & The Irish Legal System
    • Introduction to Property & Facility Management
    • Financial Management & Controls
    • IT & Systems Administration
    • Business Ethics, Professional Development & Communication
    • Residential Management & Multi Unit Developments

    Year 2 comprises 6 modules:

    • Company Law / Contract Law
    • Financial Management & Controls II
    • HR Management / Supervisory Management & CRM
    • Property Law
    • Environmental Health & Safety
    • Principles of Project Management

    Year 3 comprises 3 modules:

    • Estimation and Contract Administration
    • Introduction to Building Services
    • Construction and Maintenance Management
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About SCSI Skillnet

    On behalf of the members and staff of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland, I would like to Theylcome you to Their Theybsite.

    You will see that the Theybsite contains a Theyalth of information for members of the public as Theyll as for members of the chartered surveying community. This Theybsite is full of information to help keep you up to date and Theyll informed on all the latest developments in the construction, land and property in Ireland.

    Members are also entitled to access restricted areas of the site where additional information of interest to the profession can be accessed, including professional group updates, guidance and practice notes, policy documents and a range of other useful information.

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