Course details

For individuals responsible for, or with a desire to enhance their knowledge in, AntiMoney Laundering (AML) programmes, fraud risk and economic crime. Regulators or consultants working in the financial services sector. 

This course will cover:

  • Introduction to money laundering, the mechanics, current trends and international perspectives • Local initiatives in combating money laundering activities.
  • AML legislation – overview of key areas
  • Law enforcement
  • AML risks associated with specific industries (including banking,
    insurance, and telecommunication.)
  • Compliance requirements (including appointment of MLRO/AML
    officers, customer identification requirements, suspicious transactions monitoring and reporting.)
  • Awareness training and record keeping
  • Criminalisation of money laundering, civil and criminal liabilities for

Participants will leave this course with an understanding of the Mechanics of AML, the key areas of AML legislation and the impact of noncompliance with AML policies and regulations.

Updated on 23 November, 2017

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