Course details

Android is Open source Platform that was created by Google. Google puts a lot of effort in this platform to make it include large number of features to meet any user requirements. This amazing operating system is being used now on most smart phones and tablets, that’s why Android developers are competing to produce the finest applications that suits user’s needs.

Become an android developer now and start publishing your own apps to Google Play. YES, it’s for real, after attending this Android Diploma in Egypt from Open Vision you’ll learn from how development stages are done and how android works till developing apps with Java that help users accomplish a certain task. Start your development career after taking this Android Diploma in Egypt and then sky is the limit.

Java SE Part:

  • Introduction:
  • Programming fundamentals:
  • Object Oriented programming
  • More JAVA

Android Part:

  • Building User Interface
  • Building UI for tablets
  • Using and managing resources
  • Adapter Views
  • Intents and Intent Filters
  • Using Built-In APIs
  • Broadcast Receivers
  • Advanced User Interface:
  • Background Processes and Services
  • Consuming Web Services:
  • Database (SQLite)
  • Content Providers
  • Locations and Maps :
  • Integrating with Social media
  • Building a project
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Open Vision Training

Open Vision is a brilliant Egyptian training company founded by very talented enthusiastic engineers and training experts. They provide unique and special training services, courses and diplomas that qualify our trainees to contribute professionally in the IT industry. They focus more on software engineering and software development courses. Have a look at our Diplomas page to know more about what They offer.

They design our courses and diplomas to perfectly qualify our trainees to the market demanding jobs. They provide not only the technical part, but also the soft skills training in order to form complete training packages to graduate a full qualified trainees.

Our instructors are working on multi-national companies and they have the perfect knowledge and in-market experience that our trainees need. Check our instructors page here to know more about them.

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