Udemy Android Development with Kotlin | Mastering Intents Udemy
Price: AED 73

    Course details

    New Video : Coding our own Intent Filter

    New Video : What is an Intent Filter

    New Video : Learn to Add Google Place Picker in your app

    One of the most important factor in android development is how different components work together. And in android we achieve that by intents. In this course, you'll learn different ways to use intents with activities, including both within your own app and outside. First, you'll cover how to use explicit intents to launch an activity within your app. Next, you'll delve into how to use implicit intents to launch an activity outside of your app.By the end of this course, you'll have the fundamental knowledge of Android intents, and how to utilize it to have different apps working together seamlessly.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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