Android Developer Beginner AppTrainers
Price: JOD 400
  • Location: Amman
  • Duration: 30 Hours

    Course details

    Interested in learning how to make Android apps? Learn Android programming with our training course series. Introduction to Android Programming and Advanced Android Programming make it easy and efficient to learn Android development.

    This Android training course is designed to quickly get you up to speed how to make Android apps for Android devices. This Android development-training course will teach you the basis of the Android platform and the application life cycle. You will be able to write simple GUI applications, use built-in widgets and components, work with the database to store data locally, and much more by the end of this Android training course.

    Course Objectives:

    As a result of taking this Android training course, you will be able to:

    • Explain the differences between Android™ and other mobile development environments.
    • Understand how Android™ applications work, their life cycle, manifest, intents, and using external resources.
    • Design and develop useful Android™ applications with compelling user interfaces by using, extending, and creating your own layouts and Views and using Menus.
    • Take advantage of Android's APIs for data storage, retrieval, user preferences, files, databases, and content providers.
    • Tap into location-based services, geocoder,compass sensors, and create rich map-based applications.
    • Utilize the power of background services, threads, and notifications.
    • Use Android's communication APIs for SMS, telephony, network management, and Internet resources (HTTP).
    • Secure, tune, package, and deploy Android™ applications.

     Android Beginner Course Outline :

    •       Android Overview and History 
    - How it all got started
    - Why Android is different (and important)
    - Open Source framework

    •       Android Stack 
    - Overview of the stack
    - Linux kernel
    - Native libraries
    - DalvikApp framework
    - Apps

    •       SDK Overview
    - Platforms
    - Tools
    - Versions

    •       Android Development Tools -ADT: 

    •       Introduction to Android and Mobile Devices: Dalvik VM
    - Create and run Android Virtual Device
    - Testing apps

    •       Introduction to Android Programming 
       - Hello World App
       - Creating your first project
       - The manifest file
       - Layout resource
       - Running your app on emulator

    •       Create layouts

    •       Basic Android User Interface
    - XML versus Java UI
    - Dips and sps
    - Views and layouts
    - Common UI components
    - Handling user events

    •       Main Building Blocks
    - Activities
    - Activity lifecycle
    - Intents
    - Services
    - Content Providers
    - Broadcast Receivers

    •       Communicating Between Activities

    •       Menus
    - Options Menu
    - Extended Menu
        - Context Menu

    •       Configuration Changes

    •       Settings/Preferences Page in android

    •       Android System Overview
    - File System
    - Preferences
    - Notifications
    - Security model

    •       Workshop: Examples, Projects, Testing (5 Hours)

    •       Database Management in Android:
      - SQL Database
      - Introducing SQLite
      - SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
      - Opening and closing a database
      - Working with cursors
      - Inserts, updates, and deletes
      - Project example

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About AppTrainers

    AppTrainers is a specialized Mobile Application Consulting Company headquartered in Amman and established in 2012. 

    AppTrainers is bringing world-class training and consulting on mobile applications yet at an affordable rate to encourage small businesses, start-ups and students. In a nutshell, we offer high-value courses and impeccable standards and settings.

    At AppTrainers, our main objective is to enable entrepreneurs and startups to translate their business ideas into real smart applications through innovative hands-on education and implementation. We offer our solutions on the top operating systems and environments mainly: iphone, Android and BlackBerry platforms.

    Our Instructors have extensive industry knowledge combined with years of classroom experience.

    Our Clients are our top priority and we are committed to delivering the highest-quality courses in all our services. As a token of our commitment, we offer unconditional satisfaction guarantee on all our services.

    App Trainers Vision                                                              

    To be the leading company in providing innovative smart application services to our clients in the MENA region.

    App Trainers Mission

    Through innovation and passion, enable our customers to translate their ideas to running business.

          Our main specialists are:

    • iOS Developer Track for Iphone and iPad
    • Android Developer Track
    • BlackBerry Developer Track
    • Phone Gap Developer Track
    • Unity 3D
    • PhoneGap
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