- Location: Mindscapes Technologies, Off # 01 , Mezzanine Floor, Park View Apt Near Usmania Resturant,13 A, Gulshan-e -Iqbal Karachi, Pakistan.
- Duration: 2 to 3 Months
Course details
Mobile application development is a skill that pays at a premium rate and has created over 466,000 jobs, but luckily for you there is an educational gap between the demand for these jobs and available developers’ skills.
This course introduces mobile application development for the Android platform. Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.
Students will learn skills for creating and deploying Android applications, with particular emphasis on software engineering topics including software architecture, software process, usability, and deployment.
Android relies heavily on these Java fundamentals. The Android SDK includes many standard Java libraries (data structure libraries, math libraries, graphics libraries, networking libraries and everything else you could want) as well as special Android libraries that will help you develop awesome Android applications.
Android Development (Course Contents)
Week 1
- The Basics ,Android SDK (Installation and Configuration), Hello World Application
Week 2
- Android User Interface, Activity Life Cycle, Layouts and Views, XML Layouts, Layout Parameters
Week 3
- Styling Widgets, Defining Styles, Applying Styles to the UI, Default Menu and Dialog, Custom Menu and Dialog
Week 4
- List And Adapters, Overview of selection widgets, Working with lists, Working with adapters, Implementing a list view and connecting it with an adapter, Creating custom item views
Week 5
- Storing and Retrieving Data, Internal Storage, External Storages, Shared Preferences
Week 6
- Storing and Retrieving Data II, SQLite Database, CRUD Operations, Database versioning
Week 7
- Background Processes, Threads, Asynchronous Task, Handlers
Week 8
- Web Applications Overview, Downloading data from web
Week 9
- Graphics, Audio and Video, Playing Audio and Video ,Taking Pictures using camera
Week 10
- Location Services and Maps, Location Services, Mock Location Data, Google Map Libraries
Week 11
- Accessing RESTful Services, XML Parsing, JSON Parsing,
Week 12
- Project Submission and App Marketplace. Preparing your App, Publishing your App, Supporting your App
Android Development ( Crash Course Contents )
Week 1
- OOPs Concepts, Inheritance in detail, Exception handling, Packages & interfaces , .jar file extension, Multi threading (Thread class & Runnable Interface)
Week 2
- What is Android?, Setting up development environment,
- Resources, R.java, Assets , Layouts, drawable [dip, dp, sip, sp, px] , drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors), styles.xml, style attribute in layout file, Applying themes via xml and manifest file
Week 3
- Option menu, Context menu, Sub menu, menu from xml, menu via code, Intents & Intent Filters, Explicit Intents, Implicit intents, Activity Life Cycle, Communication between Activities, AndroidManifest.xml, uses-permission & uses-sdk
Week 4
- First sample Application, UI Components, Basic UI design, Deploying an Android application on physical device, (.apk) file extension, Testing on Real Devices
Week 5
- Time and Date, AlertDialogs, Toast, Popup, Tabs and Tab Activity
- Assignment: Assemble feature inside tab activities
Week 6
- Splash Screen, Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS), Adding the Camera Interface, and setting up Images, playing media.
Week 7
- Designing Calculator (Standard engineering equation only),
- Assignment: Adding user input ability to Calculator
- SQLite Programming, SQLiteOpenHelper, SQLiteDatabse
Week 8
- Developing Internal DB, Designing a Login Registration system
- Assignment: Customize predesigned DB
- Overview of XML Parsing, JSON Parsing, Maps, GPS, Location based Services
Week 9
- Assembling Course content into one Android Application, Uploading apk to PlayStore
Participant Profile: This course is valuable for programmers and software engineers who are interested in learning to develop mobile application
Difficulty Level: beginner
Applicable Job Roles: Web programmers, and Desktop application developers, Mobile developer.
Pre-Requisite: Prior experience with Java or Java training (see Java Programming Course)
Knowledge in XML format
Updated on 10 July, 2016Course Location
About Mindscapes Technologies
We are Mindscapes Tech Experts, forward thinking and highly motivated developers, designers and trainers. We make our living doing what we love.
We offer services of entire software, web development, Content Management Solutions and Creative Design from the very beginning until the end. Our overall process includes concept, design, development, incorporation, and implementation. We have a squad of experts, who are working on modern technologies and tools with vast experience. Our training services include different IT courses, job oriented computer courses, short computer courses and Advance computer training courses.
Mindscapes technologies is a collaborative partner of Oxford Institute of Technology (OIT)(USA), the most exclusive Microsoft Gold Partner for Learning and Network Infrastructure Solutions Provider in the California, has helped organizations understand and apply information technology since 1999. With their diverse services throughout the western region, over 25 years of IT consulting experience, and access to the world’s top consultants, OIT is the IT industry’s top consulting provider.
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