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event plus a half day Apiary visit (subsequent date/time to be fixed in consultation with the students on the first day). In this workshop you will understand, at beginner’s level, the life cycle of the honey bee, the equip¬ment and techniques employed in beekeeping, the annual cycle of work for the beekeeper. Have some basic hands-on experience of handling live bees (in a local apiary). Understand and have hands-on experience of health and safety as applicable to beekeeping both for the beekeeper and the general public. Have the opportunity to be with an experienced beekeeper when opening and inspecting a hive of bees (in a local apiary).

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Tech Amergin Adult Education Centre

Amergin (a mythological figure sometimes known as Aimhirghin Glúngheal) was the poet, seer and lawmaker of the Milesians, the Gaelic invaders, whose first successful landfall was at what is now Waterville. As he stepped ashore, Amergin recited his famous poem claiming identity with the surrounding landscape. 'Tech' is the modern 'teach', a house. Waterville Vocational School, which is now reincarnated as Tech Amergin Community Arts & Education Centre was commonly known as 'The Tech' or Technical School. Hence the name, a wordplay on the centre's mythological and modern origins. Tech Amergin under the aegis of KES (The VEC in Kerry) organises a wide and comprehensive range of courses for the local community as Theyll as a regular programme of arts events.

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