Aerospace Engineering: Aircraft Fundamentals and Advanced Udemy
Price: AED 367
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

The Aerospace Engineering: Aircraft Fundamentals and Advanced Course is a multidisciplinary course where you will study the aerodynamics, mechanics and engineering of Airplanes and Aircraft. My intention is that you fully understand the main topics regarding Design and Engineering of Aircraft and Airplanes.

The structure of the Course is the following:


Classification of Airplanes


JET Engines

Flight Mechanics


We will discuss topics such as Stability, Mechanics and Rigid-Body Physics, Aircraft types and history, Flight Mechanics and Maneuvers, Control Surfaces, TurboFans and much more!

The objective of the Course are for you tu understand how Airplanes generate Lift, how the Lift is related to the Drag and how the Drag requires a constant Thrust provided by the engines. Engine types and comparison, which one is more efficient and why? Flight Mechanics and control surfaces and Performance of the Aircraft depending on the Range and Weights.

I encourage you to begin this journey to Aerospace Engineering, you won't regret it! If you have any doubts during the course feel free to contact me, I will answer as quick as possible!

Updated on 11 March, 2020
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