Advanced Selection, Interviewing & Recruitment Skills (Certified Recruitment Analyst) PetroTech
Price: SAR 9,377

Course details

In today's business world, Interviewing has been identified as a critical management skill. Proven results have concluded that the "Old Style" interview is a failure. Published results show it's less than 1.5% likely to be successful. The new approach to interviewing is to use the behavioral approach - as recommended by psychologists. The approach once mastered will transform your ability to interview effectively. Also featured in this advanced program will be explanations and demonstrations of psychometric tests and personality questionnaires. This technique - once mastered can be used for appraisal and disciplinary interviews. Interviewing techniques have advances so much in the last few years no one who has not been trained since 2008 is probably not currently competent to interview.

Highlights of this program:

  • You will experience the new complete interview process
  • The course focuses specifically of the new advances in psychology and behavioral techniques
  • The program is very practical; you will gain the confidence and techniques to be effective as soon as you return to work
  • The program is conducted so you have the opportunity to build on your experiences under the expertise of the course presenter


By the end of this programme you will be able to:

  • Recognise the complexities of recruitment and selection in today's modern environment
  • Understand and be able to implement the new recruitment and selection process
  • Be able to identify and write recruitment criteria for use in advertising, short listing and constructing effective interview questions.
  • Be able to demonstrate to others how the new process will save time and increase dramatically interviewing effectiveness.
  • Consider the concept of and know when to use testing, and personality questionnaires and when assessment centres are appropriate.
  • Be able to design and use the two step questioning technique which has numeric scoring.

Training Methodology

Very practical, interactive, seminar with a high level of delegate participation. There will be illustrative DVD examples and throughout the program group work. All of the training will carried out in a relaxed supportive atmosphere.

Organisational Impact

Recruitment is a critical management tool and nowdays requires a very high level of skill and ability, organizations sending delegates on this program can expect:

  • Maximise time, effort and costs and effectiveness of the recruitment procedure
  • Utilize existing information to construct high quality interview questions that are score able
  • Use a new process that will reduce the possibility of litigation
  • Be able to use the new behavioural system as an effective tool to aid recruitment
  • Have up to date knowledge of the latest testing approaches and tools
  • Be able to know which personality profilers work and more importantly - those that don't.

Personal Impact

  • You will assess your own understanding and experience in recruitment and selection
  • You will know the nine stages in a successful recruitment
  • You will get to practice the skills required during the interview process - many of which apply to development and succession planning
  • You will develop personal action plans for improvement - particularly the balanced score method and the new behavioural questioning system
  • You will have carried out an interview using the technique gathered
  • You will be able to use techniques to discover when documents are falsified or when the candidate is not telling the truth.



Where Are We Now - Current Skills and Knowledge Vs New

  • Why interviews are often so ineffective
  • Examining your current skill levels - Knowledge - exercise
  • Examining your current - skills - exercise
  • Interviewing first practice
  • Interviewing - observing others
  • Interviewing - What its like being interviewed
  • The Myths about interviewing - pre 2008 opinions
  • Completing your personality profiler


The New Process of Interviewing - New Approach, New Results

  • The new recruitment/interview model explained
  • Why we need a change
  • Review and discussion
  • STEP 1: Jobs descriptions and terms of reference their role in the process
  • Putting the criteria behavioural map together - what is criteria?
  • STEP 2: Practice exercise gathering criteria information for future use - creating the job advert
  • Practice exercise -putting steps 1 & 2 into action
  • STEP 3: New approach to shortlisting - how to save lots of time


Testing, Personality Profiling and Assessment Centres

  • STEP 4: Testing - the three groups of testing - why do we need testing?
  • Psychometric Test Vs Occupational tests - latest advancements
  • Design and use of local ability test - practical example - group exercise
  • Other testing you may want to consider - examples
  • STEP 5: Personality profiling - advances in profiling - from "Type" profile to occupational profiles
  • Personality profiling - what we use it for - what results you can expect
  • Profile example and exercise - your own profiles


Questioning Techniques and Observing Body Language

  • STEP 6: The new approach to interview questions
  • Sign posting - advantages for the interviewer and interviewee
  • The construction and use of knowledge based questions - demonstration and practice
  • The purpose and use of probing questions
  • Starting the interview correctly - practice in groups
  • How many people on the interview panel to make questioning meaningful?
  • STEP 7: design and layout of the interview room
  • STEP 8 How to use body language - practical examples and demonstrations


Putting Interviewing Skill into Practice

  • Review of learning to date
  • Practicing introductions - group team exercise
  • The real cost of bad interviewing
  • Practical interview - Interview 1
  • Practical Interview - Interview 2
  • Practical interview - Interview 3
  • Making the final selections and necessary professional actions
  • Program review - updating skill and knowledge sheets


Following attendance on the programme delegates are required to complete an assignment:

  • Explain and give one clear worked example of how pre written scored questions are used and their benefit
  • Describe the big five personality factors and what instrument you would use to measure these specifically for someone at Supervisory level
  • What is an occupational ability test? and Why do we use them?
Updated on 28 June, 2016

About PetroTech


The adage that “knowledge” is power holds very true in this industry. In order to maximize results we are constantly updating and upgrading ourselves. This commitment to ongoing skills development is one of the reasons we are success, the belief that there is a “better way to do things” is what motivates us each and every day. By aligning with us you are going to benefit from our years of expertise in real world scenarios. Classroom learning is great but there is no substitute to real world experience which is what we are bringing to the table.


Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said “price is what you pay but quality is what you get” and that expression is very true. With use we understand that your time is very valuable and you only want the best and most current industry related knowledge which is what we bring to the table.  Instead of giving you massive amounts of inaccurate or outdated information you get precisely what you want, the most current knowledge so you can make truly informed decisions that will directly impact productivity and your bottom line. When results are what you are looking for then the choice is clear, we are your partners in success.


Technology has revolutionized the way knowledge is disseminated in throughout the world, what use to take months or even years to reach the masses can be done in a few hours ! In order to remain relevant and viable we need to embrace innovations. The challenge with innovation is knowing when to implement it and what type of return you can expect from it. Instead of risking your time and resources we have the answers for you, Since we are at the vanguard of the industry whenever there is a fruitful innovation we will be there providing you with the information needed to make the right decision.


We understand you may have unique need so we provide a tailored made (bespoke for our U.K. friends) approach that will address your questions in the most conducive manner possible.  Respect to us means putting your interests, your needs at the forefront of our mind. You will see how genuine we are and that you not just “some customer” you are our partner in success just as much as we are your partner in success. We firmly believe in the “golden rule”, treat others with graciousness, courtesy and respect.  Come experience the difference that quality and respect makes and you will truly be amazed.

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