Course details
All good writing is rewriting. In this masterclass, we'll look at the techniques great writers use to recraft and finesse their work; then we'll find those that work for us. We'll learn to identify the sins of 'bad' writing that dilute the 'wow' factor.
But editing your own work requires precision. The art of the edit is being able to identify the problem in your own work. So, armed with that understanding we'll be able to identify the 'offending' parts of our own work and begin knowing what to do to fix them. We'll build a repertoire of editing skillsto avoid further lapses.
The masterclass will include:
Text analysis and understanding of writing elements:
Structure, style, POV, characterisation, dialogue, plot, showing and not telling and more
Self-editing techniques
Participants are asked to send samples of their writing before the course. At least 6-8 pages of any genre. There will be individual feedback for each participant.ABOUT THE TRAINER: SHELLEY KENIGSBERG
Shelley Kenigsberg
Shelley Kenigsberg is a prominent freelance editor, writer and trainer. She runs S K Publishing (working with a range of private and publishing clients) and her Editing in Paradise masterclass programs began in 2009. These programs cover Life Writing and Memoir, and self-editing masterclasses and are held in Australia and Bali. She is currently involved in training editors, mentoring writers, and editing and writing for trade, corporate, academic and educational, government and private clients.
Shelley is Head of the Macleay Diploma in Book Editing and Publishing and has delivered the course for the past 23 years. She has developed and presented courses for writers centres (Northern Rivers WC, Northern Territory WC, NSW WC, Tasmanian WC, Qld WC); Asia-Pacific Writing Partnership; Societies of Editors, Style Council, Institute of Professional Editors conferences, Distance Education for the Open Learning Conference in Australia; writers festivals in Indonesia (Ubud Writers Festival 200412) and language and corporate institutes overseas (Indonesia, Japan and South Africa). Shelley is a founding member of Professional Editors Association (NSW), was President of the NSW Society of Editors from 200103, Vice- President in 2004, Chair of the Accreditation Board and active in other national initiatives through the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd).
For more information, please visit:
10% discount for Kinokuniya Privilege Card Members!
Please register for the workshop via with workshop title, name, membership and contact no. to enjoy the discount.
Minimum Maximum Number of Participants: 10 30 pax
Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis and workshop fees must be paid before the workshop. If the minimum number of participants is not met for the class, the organisers will inform all participants about possible postponement and cancellation of workshop, two weeks before the workshop date.
All ALAP workshops serve tea-breaks and provide course handouts.
Cancellation & Substitution
Fees paid are non-refundable but transferable. Fees will be refunded in the event of a cancellation of workshop if participant wishes not to transfer the fees which have been paid to another workshop Requests for cancellation must be made two weeks before the workshop date. A cancellation charge of 50% of the full course fee will be applicable for requests made later than two weeks before the workshop date. Upon registration, you are deemed to have read and understood the registration procedures and accepted the terms contained therein.
Registration opens on 1 April 2015
Course Location
About Academy Of Literary Arts & Publishing Singapore
The Academy of Literary Arts and Publishing Singapore is the training arm of the National Book Development Council of Singapore (NBDCS). The academy conducts short courses, workshops and masterclasses in the fields of publishing, writing, reading and storytelling. The Academy's workshops meet the training needs of publishing professionals, media employees and media freelancers. See all Academy Of Literary Arts & Publishing Singapore coursesEnglish Related Questions
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