Advanced Communication & Interpersonal Skills Almajd Industry
Price: TBA

    Course details

    Top performing organisations are passionate about their most valuable resource - their staff. In order to maintain their high standards a large proportion of their time and energy is spent on continuous professional development, not only of their employees, but of their business. This highly interactive 5-day Communication and Interpersonal Skills programme investigates the tried and trusted management processes, procedures and methodology used by many blue chip companies. They use the tools to develop high levels of performance from their staff. This in turn ensures the future and reputation of their companies through innovative development, service and evaluation. This course offers participants practical solutions to work related issues.

    During the workshop you will explore a variety of behaviours, discuss leadership styles and learn how to get the most out of your staff by using state of the art techniques. This course will give you the knowledge and understanding you need to move forward with enthusiasm and assurance. You will feel able to build a productive and cohesive unit, establishing strong working relationships with people at all levels. As you gain in experience and confidence, you will be recognised as an able and supportive supervisor and colleague.


    • New members of the management team
    • Team leaders interested in further developing their management skills
    • Managers wanting to further develop their management and leadership techniques
    • Departmental managers
    • Front-line supervisors
    • Project managers
    • Human resources professionals


    • Improved two way communication models
    • A more confident and effective team of negotiators and presenters
    • A crystal clear communication strategy within your organisation
    • Greater understanding of behavioural motivation will decrease staff absences and turnover
    • Motivated managers and supervisors will progress within your organisation rather than with your competitors
    • Improved inter-team working
    • Create and maintain a motivated, high performance workforce
    • A learning organisation that can effectively manage the changes that the future requires
    • Highly trained and motivated managers who will be able to raise performance standards and morale of their staff and colleagues
    • A greater understanding of behaviours within the organisation
    • Innovative strategies for working with others within the organisation and outside
    • Lasting rapport with customers, ensuring they work with your organisation rather than a competitor
    • Communication of company targets and time restrained goals
    Updated on 03 July, 2016

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    About Almajd Industry

    AITE is committed to provide HSE Trainings & Consultancy Services in the region for the past 10 years, Our dedication and commitment towards achievement of Health, Safety and Environmental objectives in the region derive us to further join hands with world famous HSE Institutions to bring Safety Culture in the Region. Providing internationally accredited quality trainings to develop competent Human Resource for the industry is our motive. We believe in providing best possible solutions to the industry by offering

    • Cost Effective Training & Consultancy Solutions.
    • Tailor Made Solutions as per client’s requirements.
    • Flexible Solutions to suite client’s needs.
    • Completely new approach to HSE Trainings.
    • Providing world recognized and respected international qualifications.
    • Comprehensive range of Health & Safety Courses.
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